chapter 2

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omg I've had a hard day today, maybe today's chapter will be quite sad/tragic. maybe not >:)
___________________________*Ariana's POV*
Since Nando's is in the mall, I had to ride the elevator to the 3rd floor. It was so crowded in there. There was a child, around 8 years old, screaming and kicking and crying. His mother didn't make it any better by ignoring him and just talking on her phone. Normally, I wouldn't even have a problem with this, but the kid is 8 for Christ's sake. Finally, the doors open and it's like the awkward air escapes. I pass forever 21, Wet Seal, and American Eagle. It's so hard to resist going in any of those stores, which are some of my favorite. Once I walk into Nando's, I spot Niall's blonde hair and saunter to his table. Of course, he's already eating. He didn't even notice me until I spoke.

"Hey Nialler!" I giggled. He showed me the goofiest grin, with a mouth full of food and picked up a napkin to cover his face mouth with. At least he as manners.

"Hey-o, Arinana!" He smirked, knowing I hate that name. It reminds me that banana incident when we were 7. It all started in the hot, blazing summer. My older brother Frankie tried to be the boss of me all the time and demanded me to eat some of the fruit mom had laid out so we can feel energized for the beach. Me being stubborn, i pushed his buttons and said no. Niall and Frankie chased me around and tried to make me eat those bananas. I accidentally tripped over a stump in the earth and they caught up to me. While Niall held me down, Frankie shoved the banana in my mouth so far that I was choking. On my mama, I was deep throating the richly potassium contained fruit.

"Hi, what would you like to order today?" An overly excited blonde waitress asks, interrupting my thoughts, with a bright smile.

"I'll just have a coke and that'll be all" I assume Niall is good with what he has so, I just nod and smile, letting her run off into the kitchen to put in the orders.

I turn my attention back to him and smile. "Niall, im not a banana for the billionth time!" I jokingly scold him.

"Sorry Ari" he busts out laughing, clutching his stomach. I can't help but laugh a little bit too. If you don't laugh when Nialler laughs, you don't have a heart. His Irish accent just makes you smile. He's one of the most adorable, goofiest people you would ever meet.

"Remember that one summer? Where you had the banana in your mouth like a dick?" he asks laughing even harder. My mouth is left wide open in disbelief. I begin to laugh along with him again.

"Here you are, darlin." She sets my drink down on the table and walks away to assist the next table.

"Anyways, what did you need to talk about?" I ask, but quickly regret as I see the smile turn into a frown.

"Oh. Yeah." he puts his chip down from his nachos. Uh oh, I could tell this was going to be bad. Niall loves food. If he puts it down, God forbid what he's going to tell me.

"So, you know how my mum is not doing so well?" I nod, silently encouraging him to continue. Mrs. Horan is such a sweet lady.

"Well, it's gotten worse, so she has to move back to Ireland. She has cancer, Ariana." He began to choke up and he became very teary eyed. So did I. Why do bad things always happen to good people? I closed my eyes hoping that this was all gone. I counted to 3 and opened them. A heartbroken Niall was still in front of me and I then sipped my beverage to try to get the tears not to fall. It didn't work. A tear fell from my eye and I didn't even attempt to wipe it off my cheek.

"Aww" he smiled, watery-eyed "don't cry arinana". Of course I began to smile too, he can never fail to make me smile. "There's that smile I was looking fer" his accent came out. "I knew it would work, it's the Irish charm" he flicked his imaginary hair behind him. I bursted into giggles when the waitress came and handed us the check. Niall immediately grabbed it and pulled out his wallet as I was pulling out mine.

"It's okay, I got it" he insisted and layed a $20 on the table, standing up.

"Thank you, Niall. You're such a gentlemen." I thanked him as I stood up too. He sent a sweet smile and I walked over to him. We walked over to the elevators and pressed the button. I was straightening my shirt when i heard a click and saw niall had took a pic of us.

"Niall! Delete that!" I tried to snatch his phone.

"Over my dead body, bitch" he laughed and so did I. We always called eachother mean names, but not in a mean way. It's kind of like a compliment.

"I'm gonna rip your little nuts off and shove them down your throat." I placed my hands on my hips.

He began to rub his chin, pretending to think. "Hmm, it'll be worth it." The elevator doors opened and we stepped inside. Thankfully, it was just us.

"You missed it. The most annoying child and his irresponsible mom. It was terrible." I mentioned.

"Oh shut up, you used to be a whiny baby, too." He pushed me gently, but enough to move me.

"I was not!" I punched him in arm.

The doors opened once again and we walked out the elevator and towards the doors i entered to walk in here. As soon as we got outside, we hugged and said goodbye. I grabbed my keys from my purse and unlocked the car. I put my seatbelt on, turned on the engine and went on my way home.
well, I tried lmao. keep reading if you want. more characters will be introduced later in the story. Happy reading.

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