Chapter Four

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Me, Five, and Klaus sat in the man office. His name is actually Lance.

"Like I already told your son and his friend, we can't give a patients information without consent." Said Lance.

Five rolled, his eyes getting ticked off. I was getting pretty pissed too even though I didn't know anything about the apocalypse. I still wanted to help Five with this whole thing.

"We can't get consent if we don't have a name." Said Five annoyed.

"Not my problem." Said Lance. I was sitting next to Klaus while Five stood.

"What about my consent?" Asked Klaus.

"What?" Asked Lance. Five and I gave each other confused looks, wondering what Klaus was up to.

"Who gave you permission to touch my son and his friend." Said Klaus waving his hand at us.

"I didn't touch those children." Said Lance.

"Oh yeah. Then how did they get a swollen lip and bloody nose." Klaus turned to Five and punched his lip, and Klaus punched me in the nose, making me fall out of my chair.

Five bent down and helped me off the ground, blood going down my nose to my lip and chin.

"You ok Hugo?" Asked Five. I nodded.

While I was wiping my blood off my face, Klaus had smashed a snow globe to his face. And Lance tried calling security, but Klaus stopped him.

I didn't hear much of it because I now have a huge headache.

We got to the file room, and Lance went through the file to see who the eye belonged to.

"Huh, that's weird." Said Lance.

"What?" Asked Five.

"There are no records of this eye. It's hasn't been made yet. Who did you get this eye?" Asked Lance. Five was annoyed and just walked out of the building.

We all went back in the elevator and stood there kinda awkward. We got outside and sat on the steps outside the building.

"How was I? 'What about my consent bitch." Said Klaus.

I lied down on the ground wanting my headache to go away.

"Hey so when do I get paid?" Asked Klaus.

"Your 20 bucks?! The world is about to end and all you can think about is getting high!?" Five said angrily sitting next to me.

"I am also pretty hungry." Sais Klaus sitting down.

"I know why you're so uptight. You must be horny as hell. All those years alone, I mine unless you tried your shot on Hugo." Klaus said. I shot up from the ground and looked at Five and then at Klaus.

"Ew. Klaus I am not into the whole...that stuff." I said lowering my voice.

"I wasn't alone for your information." Said Five.

"Oh per tell." Said Five. I was also interested.

"Her name was Dolores. We were together for 30 years." Five said. Damn I gusse Five could pull during the end of the world. Or maybe she not real.

"Oh woah the longest I have been with someone is three weeks. Well, they did make-" Klaus was cut off by Five grabbing my hand and blinking us into a cabe.

"Keep driving. Don't stop." Said Five. 

I look out the window and see Klaus yelling at us. All I did was wave goodbye to him and he frowned.

"Oh yeah he is definitely my favorite out of your siblings." I said.

"You haven't even got to meet the other three." He said shaking his head.

It was night and slightly raining outside. Five was leading us to what looked like a store called 'Gimbles Brothers.'

"Five what are we doing here?" I asked.

"I just need to pick up something." Five said.

He blinked us in the store. It was dark and couldn't see anything. I went a my tiptoes to see if anyone was there. I was only 2 inches than Five. I nodded saying there was no one here.

Five and I walked down the pathways while Five was looking for whatever it was. I was looking at the different clothes that was set up.

We stopped at some mannikins step up and dressed. Five looked up at one and smiled.

"Hey there Dolores." He said. The lady he was talking about earlier was fake.

"I knew it! The lady you were talking about was fake." I said turning to Five. He gave an upset look to me.

"She is not fake. She was with me in the apocalypse." Five said turning back to 'Dolores'.

I rolled my eyes as he talked to her. Which I thought was straight up weird.
Then I heard footsteps behind us. I tapped Five on the shoulder.

"What?" He whispered.

Before I could say anything the people shot at us. Five shouted no before he grabbed me hand and Dolores before taking cover.

"Shit it's them." Said Five and I looked over to see Hazle and Cha-Cha. The second best at the commission when me and Five left.

Five truned to Dolores and said

"I will be right back." And we both ran.

I ran to one of clothes racks and knocked it over to get Hazles to shoot at it. But I got up to quickly and he saw me and shot me in the leg, it went through just the side of my thigh.

It casued me to fall to my knees and Five ran up to me and put my arm around him and picked me up.

Hazle and Cha-Cha keep shooting at us as we ran. There were sirens outside which casued them to look the other way giving the chance for me and Five to hide.

"Shit they jumped aging." Said Hazle.

"Let's go." Cha-Cha said.

We sat behind a counter breathing heavily. My hand over my mouth so I could muffle my breathing.

"Ok. We gotta go." Said Five as he pulled me up and put my arm around his shoulder. We walked back to his house and I was trying to walk on the leg that was injured.

While walking up the stairs we were stopped by Allsion and Luther.

"Hey Five you okay?" Luther asked.

"Yeah you two look beaten up. Is Hugo limping?" Asked Allison.

"Can we help with you guys with anything."  Luther asked about to touch Fives shoulder, but Five pulled back.

"There's nothing you can do. There's nothing any of you can do." Five said readjusting my arm on his shoulder.

We walked pass them and went into Fives room. And had me sit on his bed.

"I gonna patch up your leg." Five said.

"Okay." I said yawning.

I pulled my pant leg and let Five give me stitches. I was so tried I almost fell asleep while he put a bandage on it.

"Here you can sleep on my bed. I didn't get hit or anything so I will sleep on the floor." Said Five putting down Dolores on his desk.

I did hesitate I let my head fall onto his pillow still in my clothes not bothering to change. I feel asleep not long after.

An: So I might be slow with updates because I am in the middle of packing stuff because I am moving soon‼️

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