Chapter 14: Drew

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I have the hots for my boss.

Not that that's anything new, but it's getting more intense. Probably because I've got a bun in the oven, but it's really becoming a nuisance. I can barely be in his presence without getting wet and completely frustrated. So basically, I'm a horny pregnant bitch every damn day. It's exhausting.

I'm at my desk churning out emails when my phone dings.


Francine: But I have zoomba class!

Carly: Don't care. You're skipping it. No excuses.

Francine: UGH. Fine. But we better be having Indian food from around the corner.

Carly: As if I'd order anything else!

Carly: EARTH TO DREW. Respond please.

I roll my eyes. She's so pushy. It's part of the reason why I haven't told them yet. I know Carly will insert herself in everything, and I'm just not ready. But I've avoided them for the last few weeks, which is about as long as I can go before Carly gets twitchy.

Drew: Fine. But make sure to get as much naan as they'll allow.

I can almost guarantee that I won't be able to eat anything else. I'm approaching the second trimester, but my morning sickness hasn't lessened. Damon and I have dinner tomorrow night with his best friend and best friend's wife, who is about three months ahead of me. It will be nice to talk to someone else who is actually pregnant and not just read books. I keep meaning to start Lamaze classes or something, but I never seem to find the time.

I glance at the clock and see that it's already five. I need to leave now if I want to stop home and change before heading to Carly's. I go through the motions of shutting things down and putting everything away, feeling Damon's stare on me the whole time. When I glance into his office, I'm rewarded with his annoyingly attractive face.

"I'm going to have dinner with Carly and Francine. I'll see you tomorrow." He nods, pulling out his phone.

"Want me to call my driver? He could be here in ten." I shake my head, wishing he would stop asking me to use his driver.

"Nope, I'm good. Have a nice night." I hightail it out there before he can offer to walk me out. I really do not need people noticing that my boss walks me out at night.


"What's this?"

I'm ambushed the moment I walk into Carly's apartment. Francine is here, as well as the food. And Carly's in my face waving something at me.

When she finally stops waving it around, I get a look, and I'm suddenly cold. On the off chance it isn't what I think it is, I play it cool.

"Uh, a pregnancy test?" I turn to Francine, looking for support. She just shrugs and sits there, waiting for Carly to get on with it.

"Yeah, a USED one." She's turning red. This is not good.

"And? Is it yours?" I know I'm a horrible friend, but maybe it is hers?

"Tell me why I found it in your tiny ass apartment today?" I really need to take my extra key back. This is easily the twentieth time she's gone to my apartment without notice.

I glance back to Francine, who is now frowning. Oh great. Carly looks like steam is about to come out of her ears.

I sigh and let my shoulders drop. I guess I'm finally telling them.

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