Part 4:Stranger?

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I woke up once again the the sun shining right into my eyes, this of course annoyed me so I got up and start to get to work

First things first I went towards to forest and got some resources, I kept doing this till I had a good pile of resources which I separated into groups

Wood, stone, and other stuff

I then made my way over to the open spot where I trained my water power, I decided that I would make it a training ground since I want to get stronger and if I happen to get new weapons I will test them out here

It good to have a variety of weapons incase one of my weapons break or something I thought as I started to clear out the grass in the spot until it became a big dirt spot, I also put small wooden walls around the training ground because i am going to put a roof over it

I got to work placing and hammering stuff until I finished and the training ground had a cupped roof

I made it have a cupped roof so that when it rained the water would go into a funnel and then into a barrel that I made and put off to the side

It was honestly pretty nice but I still have other things to do right now

I walked near the farmland and started to make a big, deep water pool, this pool however was not meant for swimming but for a water reserve I made the walls out of stone so the water wouldn't chip away and weaken the walls easily

It was pretty big so I decided to wait till it rained so it can full up, I have the  patience but that would take to much time to fill up manually or with my power

I finished the water reserve then decided that I should look for more enemies to fight, I made my own mask and robe since I don't really want any enemies to recognize me if one managed to escape

I walked into the forest looking for any enemies to fight

??? POV

I just slain some of Leshy's followers and I'm now looking for any other heretics to slay to slowly but surely destroy Leshy's cult

I walked deeper into the forest until I came to a open spot, where I saw someone just walking around

They had a black robe on with white fire designs on the edges of the robe, it was strange since I thought that they were had to have a robe or something that represented what cult they were in

I rushed towards them while making a sword out of my crown

No one's POV

I was walking through a open area until I heard footsteps...from behind me

I turned around while pulling out my glave just in time to block the strike

"Oh, you managed to block that" said ???

I pushed the attacker back as they continued to talk

"What is your name? Mine is Lambrina" said the attacker who told their name

"...why do you want to know...?" I said

"I have the feeling that you not like all the other heretics" said Lambrina

"Just from me blocking your attack?" I said

"No because you are wearing a mask, it don't make sense why you would hide your face from your fellow cult members" said Lambrina

"I'm not in a cult" I said

After I said that Lambrina seemed to be confused a little bit and kept staring at me, I stared back while holding my glave with my right arm

I am not letting my guard down against this Lamb, she would've killed me with that sneak attack if I had reacted any slower

"I find it really hard to believe that your not in a cult" said Lambrina as she slowly walked towards me while reading her sword

"Tell me your name" said Lambrina

She won't stop asking for my name will she?

" name is Dan" I said

"Well, Dan you will die here for lying to the bearer of the red crown" said Lambrina as she suddenly dashed for me

She did a swing but I dodged to the side, she continued her assault as she kept swing at me and I blocked and dodged her attacks that was until she stopped swinging

This confused me until I saw a fireball heading straight for my head so I did water sheild to block it

Doing my move seemed to surprise Lambrina, I rushed towards her and started swing my glave to which Lambrina rolled away then dash back towards me swinging

We clashed blades, sparks flying around and neither one of use were backing down that was until a arrow was shoot in between us as we both look from where the arrow came from

Great...more enemies I thought as I looked at Lambrina and the big group of enemies that were a little bit away from us, Lambrina seemed to do the same

We both backed up from each other carefully, when we back away a safe distance from each other we both rushed the group of enemies

I need to get rid of these guys I thought as I swing my glave cutting off a enemy's head and doing a stab behind me with the opposite blade piercing the head of another enemy trying to sneak up on me

I then heard a small explosion, I look past some of the enemies to see Lambrina chopping up her group of enemies and shooting fireballs every so often

I focused back on my fight as I move my head to the right to avoid a fire arrow and then duck under a slash aimed for my neck

I punished the enemy by slicing open their unprotected stomach as they drop their weapon and hold their stomach

I put my glave in my left hand as I make a water trident in my right hand and threw it at the bowmen hitting them directly in the chest

After I finished with my group I saw that Lambrina was also done with theirs

We both looked at each other before noticing another group of enemies

What are they doing...

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