Part 5:Lesha Boss Fight

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What are they doing I thought as I saw 5 enemies on the ends of a pentagram with Lesha in the middle of the pentagram

I have I feeling I know what is about to happen I thought as Lesha started to talk

"I grow tired of you Lamb!" Said Lesha

"First you now I also have to deal with your annoying friend!" said Lesha as she faced my general direction

"We are not friends..." I said as I made a water katana

Lesha seemed to have ignored my answer and started to transform after her followers sacrificed themselves

She floated in the air while collecting red essence or whatever it was and started to shake violently before she eventually transformed in a giant earth worm with a giant mouth

What in the world is that I thought as Lesha went underground and digged towards me and Lambrina

We both dodged in opposite directions to avoid the spike trail, after dodging Lesha popped out of the ground and threw spikes at us

I dodged a few spikes before jumping over a spike and stepping on a flat side of it and boosting myself towards Lesha, Lambrina also rushed Lesha

When I got close enough I jumped up towards Lesha's upper body, I did water slash and did a downward slash

Because of Lesha's size the slash didn't really do much so I dragged my blade down her worm-like body until I reached the ground, when I did I quickly pulled out the blade and backed off to see the damage I've done

When I saw the slash it was pretty brutal, there was a long slash mark on her side that was also leaking out a lot of blood

I noticed that Lambrina started shooting fire balls and rolling away from Lesha's attacks

Lesha did a big roar causing Lambrina to get knocked back and onto the ground

While she was on the ground Lesha made a earth pillar rise and launch Lambrina into the air towards her

Lesha opened her mouth watching as the Lamb fell closer and closer to her mouth

When I saw this I immediately rushed in

Lesha noticed me and summoned wood  branches to try and grab me but I dodge and cut them with water slash, when I got really close she threw a spike barrage towards me I barely dodged it since I wasn't expecting it

I jumped over the spike barrage after using some of the spikes as jumping steps, until I got close enough and used a spike in the last wave of the spike barrage to boost myself to Lambrina

I grabbed Lambrina which surprised her before I held her with my left arm as I swinged my katana with my right arm

I did tidal slash as I did a downward slash towards Lesha, this caused Lesha's head to be push off to the side

I landed near her neck area, I did a water slash on her neck before jumping back a good distance

Lesha looks pretty messed up, she had bunch of cuts and burn marks on her plus she was bleeding a lot

I feel like I'm forgetting something I thought

"Umm can you put me down?" Said Lambrina

Ohhhhhhh yeeeaaaah I forgot about this annoying Lamb

"Ok" I said as I proceeded to drop her right on her floor

"Ow!, that not how you treat a lady" said Lambrina

"I believe in true gender equality" I said as I looked away from her and focused on Lesha

Lesha roared again before digging and rushing us again

Lambrina got up quickly before jumping backwards with me to dodge the spike trail

Lesha came out the ground then started to ham on the ground around her

Like imagine you see a giant worm smashing the bottom of their head on the ground all around them and just swinging their body like it's a pool noodle

It was honestly annoying to dodge sense she wouldn't back off, how desperate is this giant worm?

She continued her rampage and destroyed a lot of trees in the process, me and Lambrina could only dodge since they were no openings

Lambrina then backed off a good distance and started to throw fireballs at Lesha

Lesha digged into the ground in order to avoid most of the fireballs this caused all the fireballs that missed to set fire to the surroundings and broken trees

I need to finish this fight quickly before the entire forest burns down, the forest is hiding my base from enemies if it is gone then I will have to worry about being attacked or raided at home I thought as I clenched my water katana

Think, think, think! What can I do to finish off this stupid worm I thought as I looked around me

I came up with a idea then started to rush Lesha for the last and final time

Lesha was about to crush Lambrina with her head but I managed to grab her and pull her away along with me

Lesha after noticing she missed, she rushed us as I threw Lambrina to the side before I moved my katana behind me

When she got close enough to where we was face to face, I did a uppercut with my katana using tidal slash this caused Lesha to get hit in the air enough to be completely out of the ground and on her back

I quickly made a water trident and used a new water move I just made on the spot called geyser

Geyser(water trident move)- a  move that makes a hole appear under a target and shoots water up from the hole to launch the target into the sky( can also be used to boost the user into the air or to soften a fall)

I used geyser to launch Lesha into the air before using impale to make a trident spike pit for Lesha to fall straight onto

When Lesha fell on the trident spike pit she roared in pain but I wasn't done yet

I rushed towards her as I switch my trident back to a katana but this time it wasn't a water katana but a fire katana

I used a new move I thought about for the  new fire katana called hell's fury

Hell's fury(fire katana move)- a move that puts flames on the katana as the user makes lots of swings in a short time causing a lot of damage to the target( more effective against bigger enemies or group of enemies)

I used Hell's fury to do multiple deep cuts that were laced with fire

Lesha started to burn as fire completely consumed her giant body and started to sway around in pain

I went to her burning figure and did water slash to finish her off

Her giant worm body fell to the floor as I quickly put of all of the fire in the surrounds

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