Part 6:...huh?

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After I finished putting out the fire in the surroundings I went back towards Lesha's giant burning body

"Well, that was something" said Lambrina

"Oh wait! I need her heart!" said Lambrina

"what...?" I said before Lambrina grabbed my shoulders and started to shaking me violently

"I need her heart!" said Lambrina

I grabbed her hands that were on my shoulders before I pushed her away from me

"Rude!" said Lambrina

"I will say this once again, I believe in true gender equality" I said as I wiped off my shoulders where the annoying lamb touched

"So you need her heart huh?" I said

"Yeah" said Lambrina

"I could put the body out so you can get it" I said

"Oh, great idea" said Lambrina

I walked over to the giant burning body and used water push to put out the fire on the body

After I put out the fire all I saw was a giant brunt worm

I sliced the giant burnt worm's head in half with water slash

After cut the head it half the chest or neck area of the body opened up to reveal a somehow completely fine and beating heart

Ok I'm pretty sure that heart should have melt or something considering I used hell's fury near that area I thought

"The heart is undamaged, perfect" said Lambrina as she walked up to the exposed heart

When she got close enough she ripped the heart out of its resting place before rising it in the air and putting it away in her...pocket

Does she even have pockets I thought as I wonder where she stored the heart that was about the size of her head

"I guess that's the end of that" said Lambrina

"Yeah I guess" I said

"Well I got to go, see you soon!" Lambrina said as she walked into the forest disappearing from sight

Hopefully not I thought as I turned around ready to go back to base

Went I turned around I noticed something very wrong

Well first of all the big burnt worm body wasn't there anymore which made my immediately raise my guard

Second of all I didn't hear or noticed that the body moved which with a body that big would seem impossible

I looked around me and noticed the body of the worm in a different spot, I saw the body twitched then it started to shake violently

I made a fire katana and prepared myself in order to burn the body again

After a few seconds of the body shaking I rushed it going to kill it

That was until the body suddenly exploded and someone flew into air towards me

The person reached their arms out for me to catch them so I did when anyone else would do...I dodge them and make them face plant the floor and slide on it

The person who face planted the ground pushed themselves up from the ground and getting, then after they full got up they turned to me with a angry face

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