Part 14:Lambrina's cult

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After using the Cyclone of Fate on Heket a big amount of dust appeared blinding the area around me

I looked at the dead body of Heket as the separated head and body vibrates before a smaller version of Heket was launched out towards

Heket landed in front of me, face first on the ground

I then remembered something


"Oh yeah, instead of having to bring back the follower by foot you can just send them here with the portal" said Lesha

I dropped my cup of tea

"There is a the base..." I said

"Yeah?" Said Lesha

'So you're telling me I could have just teleported back to base whenever I needed to?!' I thought

After a big of explaining from Lesha apparently only new followers can be teleported to the base

Flashback end

I went closer to Heket, use some magic to make a portal, and Heket fell into it

'I hope she behaves...for her sake...' I thought with a tick mark

"Dan! Are you ok?!" Said Lambrina as she walked threw the smoke as it was starting to clear

"Yeah I'm fine" I said

I was about to walk off

"Hey wait!" Said Lambrina

I turned to look at her

"What?" I said

"You should come join my cult" said Lambrina

"" I said as I continued to walk away

"Wait! At least take a look at the place before you decide" said Lambrina as he grabbed my arm

My arm still hurt from the battle so it did sting a lot

"Ow! Ok ok let go!" I said

Lambrina let go of my arm as she quickly went over to Heket's dead body, and took her heart before just came back over to me, and started to float in the air for a sec with her eyes red

Suddenly a portal appeared under us and we both fell inside

I closed my eyes for a second as my eyes were being hit by light rays

After a bit I opened them to see me and Lambrina in a white void

"Vessel....I see you've have dealt with Heket also brought a friend" said ???

I looked forward to see a big chained woman looking down at us, there was also two other women

I looked forward to see a big chained woman looking down at us, there was also two other women

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(A/n, ummmmm....*cough*)

"This is my companion Dan, he has helped me with slaying Lesha and Heket" said Lambrina

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