Where am I

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Rimuru: Where am I did I get teleported to another country without me knowing

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Rimuru: Where am I did I get teleported to another country without me knowing

Ciel: Based on the lack of magicules and different genetical structures of all lifeforms present it's clear we are no longer in the same dimension

Rimuru: WHAT how, did I get reincarnated again

Ciel: It seems that someone with powerful magic summoned you to this dimension I recommend you explore the surrounding area to find out the information about this world

Rimuru: Well it's not like I've got anything better to do and Ciel, try to keep our power to at most Awakened Demon lord don't want to destroy this world

Ciel: Understood

Rimuru walks down the road till he hears a cry and notices a young boy fallen on the road Rimuru then faster than anyone in the area could comprehend Rimuru carries the young boy safely to the sidewalk

Rimuru: Hey calm down you're safe now also try to not play anywhere near the road

The surrounding bystanders then erupted with applause and praise for this mysterious silver-blue-haired savior of the child 

Rimuru: (This is bad I'd rather not be the center of attention right now I guess I should just escape)

Rimuru then leaves the scene without another word

Rimuru: (Ciel are we in the clear)

Ciel: You have successfully escaped 

Rimuru: Good

Kadomon: Hey you ok you wanna buy an Appa

Rimuru looked to a muscular and firmly built fruit seller with a twig in his mouth holding an apple in his hand 

Rimuru: Sure I guess how much

Kadomon: 3 copper 

Rimuru: (Ciel can you create some of this worlds currency)

Ciel: Yes transference to this worlds coinage successful

Rimuru then pretended to take 3 copper coins from his pockets when in truth he simply created them he then gave the copper to Kadmon took the "Appa" and left it was surprisingly quite sweet

Rimuru: (Thanks Ciel)

Ciel: Hmm

Rimuru: Someone seems quite proud of themselves 

Ciel: It's your imagination

Rimuru: Of course it is

Rimuru then decided to rest in an alleyway while contemplating his current situation

Rimuru: (This world seems relatively weaker than mine it's a good thing I was able to seal my greater power in advance don't want to cause too much of a scene still I can't help but wonder who summoned me here and why)

???: Hey there pretty lady best you give up your money and other valuables if you don't want to get hurt

Rimuru looked to see 3 men a guy with very messy and edgy hair that looks like he just escaped from prison a relatively short-looking guy who looked like a child on drugs and a relatively bigger man with a necklace and wrappings on his wrists and head

Rimuru: (Could these thugs be any more generic whatever it shouldn't take much effort to scare them off)

But suddenly a girl with orange hair comes rushing through seemingly in a hurry 

Felt: Move it Move it you guys out of my way

Everyone let the girl by

Felt: Thanks and live strong

Rimuru: (Wonder what that was about)

Chin: Now where were we 

Rimuru: you were about to regret your life choices that led up to meeting me 

The Thug in the middle then puts on a wicked grin and takes out 2 blades

Chin:  this is your last warning lady hand over your stuff or die

Rimuru then exerts some of his Demon Lords Haki which leaves the thugs in paralyzed fear he then walks up to the middle thug and punches him in the gut which causes the young thug to cough up blood he then punches the taller thug in the face which sends him to the ground and kicks the smaller thug sending him flying out the alleyway

Rimuru: I'll let you go but if you bother me again I can't promise that I'll be so merciful

Chin: Screw you we won't forget this

They all run out of the alleyway

Rimuru: (Maybe I was a little too rough on them well whatever nothing to do about it now)

Suddenly a girl with silver hair appeared in the alleyway

Emilia: Stop right there and return what you stole from me

Rimuru: Uh sorry I don't know what you're talking about but I did see a girl who ran that way in a hurry

Emilia: I see but I can't ignore what you did to those men

Rimuru: Wait you got it all wrong I was acting in self-defense they were trying to rob me

Emilia: Is that so 

On closer inspection, Rimuru noticed she was an elf and quite the cute one at that Rimuru felt a bit flustered and shifted his vision 

Emilia: Aha you avert your eyes due to your guilty conscience looks like my judgment was spot on as always

Puck: You sure I don't sense any malice at all

Rimuru: Yeah see it wasn't m- wait who said that

Puck: It was I 

A tiny-looking catlike creature appeared floating in front of Rimuru's face

Rimuru: Huh are you a spirit

Puck: Yes 

Puck said quite proudly

Rimuru: Look if this thing that was stolen is so important to you I'll help you find it

Emilia seems to be contemplating what decision to make

Puck: I don't sense any malice here so I think you can accept his offer we could use the help

Rimuru: Cool my name's Rimuru Tempest

Puck: My name is Puck nice to meet you

Emilia: My name is Satella

Ciel: Master you should know that this girl is lying 

Rimuru: There's no need to lie to me

Emilia: How did you know

Rimuru: Let's just leave it at intuition and experience but it doesn't matter if you don't want to reveal your identity that's fine let's go I think I know which direction she went (Only Because Ciel told me)

Emilia: Thank you Rimuru

Rimuru: No problem now let's go

That's all, for now, let me know what you think in the comments

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