Exploring the Mansion

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Writer: Hey there Happy New Year got the results from the last chapter and to those that wanted this to be a Harem congrats you are the majority to the rest sorry but the majority rules as for the lemon most of you seem fine without it so may not do that for a while as for who this Harem will consist of it will include Emilia and Rem (really don't want a war on who is better) those are everyone I can guarantee for now the rest will depend on everyone else's requests so keep me posted with your opinions since this story has got a good amount of attention I'll try to upload frequently or at least keep you guys posted don't want to leave you guys on a cliffhanger with that let's continue also

Time skip (because I'm lazy)

The morning sunshine seeps through Rimuru's room as he wakes up Rimuru decided to let himself sleep just to pass the time when he wakes

Rimuru: Ugh no matter how many times I get Isekai'd I'm still not a morning person

Rimuru then got out of bed

Rimuru: (I wonder where is everyone you'd think they'd be more hospitable and greet their guest in the morning or something)

Rimuru walked down the hall

Rimuru: Well I don't see anyone so let's try this door

Rimuru opens the door to find a blonde young girl holding a book while sitting on a stool with a poker face

Rimuru opens the door to find a blonde young girl holding a book while sitting on a stool with a poker face

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Rimuru: Cool a loli in a library this should be interesting

Beatrice: What a profoundly irritating and aggravating girl you are I suppose

Rimuru: I'm a boy actually

Beatrice slightly raised her eyebrows in surprise before putting back on her poker face

Beatrice: If you say so I suppose

Rimuru: Someone's in a bad mood is it because I guessed the right door on the first try that's nothing to be so upset about finding you wasn't even that hard besides it's not like you were trying or anything right

Beatrice seemed irritated with every word that came out of his mouth till the point where she slammed her book shut and got up from her stool

Beatrice: Betty has had just about enough of you

She then began walking up to Rimuru

Beatrice: I think it's time to teach you a lesson I suppose

Rimuru: Seriously who speaks in 3rd person

Rimuru said completely unintimidated

Beatrice: Stay right there and don't you dare move

She said very much out of patience

Beatrice: Anything you'd like to say

Rimuru: Sure how about "Yowai mo"

He said holding his hand up with a familiar smile

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