Annihilation of Evil

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Writer: Thank you, guys, so much for all the attention and feedback this story has gotten I did not expect this I only saw this concept of a story in other places and thought it would be interesting and fun to write so thank you guys so much for that also I must confess since I could only muscle through the 1st season I may stop at that or at least rap things up so I may stop here ending the book but if you guys ever so badly want me to do season 2 as well I may be persuaded to suffer through that show for you guys but for now I will be wrapping it up for the first season thank you guys so much for the support I honestly just did this as something fun while I was out of school but maybe if you want I could continue this or do other stories but anyways I'll stop rambling here and give you guys what you came for thanks again for your support it means a lot to me P.S I can't pretend I can imitate Betelgeuse's way of speech

Ciel: (It seems the witch's cult has thought to take refuge near the village perhaps if I slaughter all of them and present their corpses to Master he may praise me)

Ciel had a sudden blush and suggestive movements at the thought

Emilia: Ciel are you ok

Ciel was embarrassed to be caught thinking such things as she turned around and saw Emilia, Rem, and Ram staring at her

Ciel: I'm fine I was just contemplating some things that should be taken care of

Rem: Really what is it if I can help in any way I will

Ciel: (As if I'll let her hog all of Master's praise) That won't be necessary Master is generous enough to share all his power with me so I will be adequate

Emilia: Well even so we would like to help so please tell us

Ciel: (It gets more complicated if she's involved Master did tell me to obey her as I would him so I can't exactly hide this from her) It isn't something you should trouble yourself with Lady Emilia

Emilia: It doesn't matter Rimuru has been doing so much for me and I still don't know why so I want to do anything I can to help him as well even if it means indirectly by helping you

Rem: The same goes for me I want to do whatever I can to help Rimuru

Ciel: (I can tell they won't back down perhaps if I scare her out of it with details) Since Lady Emilia insists to know the Witch's Cult has taken refuge near the village most likely it is an attempt of an attack since their goal is to take Lady Emilia because they think her a possible vessel for the witch of Envy they are known for their brutality and cruelty it would be safer if I go alone (And receive all of Master's praise in the process)

Emilia: If that's the case I insist that I go

Ram: Lady Emilia I must advise against that

Ciel: Agreed it is too dangerous (Gratitude, Ram)

Emilia: I know and that's all the more why I want to go

Rem: Forgive me Lady Emilia this seems rather reckless

Emilia: All of you, Rimuru, Rem, Ram, Roswaal, and Puck you all have done and continue to do, so much for me even now Rimuru is risking his life to slay a deadly beast on my behalf if I sat by and sent others to do my bidding when I could help them what would that say of me as a ruler

Ciel: I understand Lady Emilia I will assist you in the defeat of the cult

Rem: You can also rely on my assistance as well Rimuru has also done a lot for me and I would love nothing more than to kill the Witch's Cult

Ram: If Rem is going I will as well

Ciel: (Why must they intervene) But the mansion

Ram: Beatrice will still be at the mansion protecting it is her main task

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