Battle in the Slums

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Ciel: Master I believe I should bring to your attention that whatever being summoned you to this world also granted you a new ability

Rimuru: (Really what is it)

Ciel: Analysis reveals it is an ability known as Return By Death once you die you are sent back to a predetermined point in time with your memories intact

Rimuru: (I see well I doubt that'll be of much use to me since this world is quite weak in comparison to our world Thanks Ciel keep me updated on anything else you can learn about this ability)

Ciel: Of Course

Rimuru: (There's that cocky tone again)

Ciel: It's your imagination

Rimuru: (Of course)

Emilia: Rimuru are you ok

Rimuru: I'm fine look we're almost there this should be the place where that girl went

They appeared in front of Old Man Rom's Stolen Goods Warehouse thanks to Ciel they were able to find the place in less than an hour Rimuru then knocked the Elder Giant opened the door

Rom: What do you two want

Rimuru: We're looking for a girl with light orange hair she stole this girl's Insignia and she needs it back

Rom: So Felt stole something from you two well we already got a buyer who offered us 10 Holy coins so unless you have a counter offer get out of here

Emilia: So now you expect me to buy what was stolen from be

Rimuru: Hold on

Rimuru Creates a bag of Holy Coins and holds it up

Rimuru: How do 30 Holy Coins for the Insignia sound

Both Rom and Emilia were shocked to see that Rimuru had that much money

Rom: Well with that much you can wait inside to see if the buyer can make a counteroffer

Rimuru: I suppose that's fair

They all enter the Warehouse

Emilia: Rimuru how do you have that much money

Rimuru: I didn't steal it if that's what you're wondering so don't worry about it

Felt was sitting at one of the tables until she saw Emilia and put up a defensive stance

Rom: Don't worry Felt these girls are willing to pay 30 Holy Coins to take that thing back

Felt couldn't believe what she was hearing that someone was willing to more than double the initial price listed she was given

Felt: No way

Rimuru took out his bag of coins again shaking it with a smug look on his face

Rimuru: It's true and I'm a boy by the way

This news shocked everyone even more than Rimuru's apparent wealth

Emilia: I thought you were a girl this whole time

Rimuru: Yeah I get that a lot

Rimuru then looked at Felt with a sincere look on his face

Rimuru: I understand that you may be left with no other option than to steal to survive and it must be rough so let's just let bygones be bygones what do you say

Rimuru put on a comforting and captivating Aura that everyone couldn't help but be fascinated with

Emilia: W-Well I suppose I have no reason to hold a grudge so long as I get it back

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