Duties of the Slime Knight

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Ciel: Master I believe I should bring certain matters to your attention

Rimuru: Alright Ciel let's hear them

Ciel: Understood firstly I detect extreme hostility from the maid known as Rem

Rimuru: Really why is that

Ciel: It seems that it is thanks to the effects of Return by Death it leaves out a Miasma that gives you an excess stench of the Witch of Envy and the Miasma gets stronger whenever you tell anyone about Return by Death thus making you a prime suspect of being a member of the Witches Cult

Rimuru: What's the Witch's Cult

Ciel: The Witch's Cult is an extremist organization dedicated to the worship of the Witch of Envy Satella

Rimuru: Was it she who gave me Return by Death and summoned me here

Ciel: It's highly likely, would you like to eliminate her

Rimuru: No we'll leave her be for now we don't know if we'll ever be able to return home if she's eliminated besides there's no reason to do anything as she isn't a threat to us tell me more about Rem's hostility

Ciel: Most likely because it was the Witch's Cult that has to do with a great amount of Rem and Ram's suffering

Ciel then Explained Rem and Ram's backstory

Rimuru: I see that's quite tragic regardless what should we do about Rem

Ciel: If Rem suspects you to be a member of the Witch's Cult she may likely do something drastic

Rimuru: How drastic are we talking

Ciel: She may try to eliminate you

Rimuru: Emphasis on "TRY"

Ciel: Perhaps we should strike first eliminating her would be quite effortless

Rimuru: What's with you and you're hostility to women lately don't tell me you're turning into a yandere

Ciel: NO it's your imagination Sen- Master

Rimuru: You were about to say Senpai weren't you that's definitely Yandere


Rimuru: R-right s-sorry I asked

Rimuru decided to watch his words said to Ciel a bit more carefully

Rimuru: Right well, in any case, we should probably try to calm Rem's suspicion it would no doubt cause problems for everyone most likely if Rem made a case more would take her side we'll have to figure something out later, for now, there's something else we need to attend to

Rimuru then left his room to the backyard where Emilia was waiting

Rimuru: Alright ready to start some magic training

Emilia: Yes

Rimuru: First things first since your magical affinity is ice we'll learn some more advanced ice magic

Puck: You sure you're qualified for this after all what kind of magical affinity do you have

Rimuru: Yes


Rimuru: Puck you can read and sense emotion and intention you should be able to tell if I'm lying besides I've made truly capable warriors out of basically anyone

Puck: How OP are you anyways

Rimuru: Y E S but anyways back to the matter at hand I think I may be able to give you a massive power boost but only if you're alright with it

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