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Emilia and Rimuru were in the main room and even though he tried to ignore it Rimuru couldn't help but sense the hostility and malice directed towards Emilia

Rimuru: (People can be so shallow)

Reinhard: Lady Emilia Rimuru it's a pleasure to see you

Rimuru: (Well not all of them)

Emilia: It's nice to see you again Reinhard

Reinhard: What brings you here as well Rimuru

Rimuru: I became Emilia's Knight and Bodyguard

Reinhard: Is that so well I'm glad to see you both

Rimuru: Say while were here we wanted to ask you About Felt

Reinhard: Well you see-

Before he could finish it seemed it was time for the Knights to line up

Rimuru: We'll talk later

Reinhard: That would be best

Rimuru got in line with Reinhard Felix Alderban and Julias

Julias: It seems we meet again

Rimuru: Yes it does

Rimuru wasn't particularly happy to see him the Royal Selection meeting went similar to the way you remember including Felt's sudden entrance because the author is too lazy to rewrite it


Until it was time for Emilia to say her words in which Rimuru stood by her as her knight

Marcos: Lady Emilia and her attendant Rimuru Tempest

Emilia: I only have one wish, for all to be equal, I desire to create a nation where all are equal

Rimuru: (She reminds me so much of how I was when I first built Tempest I'll do everything I can to steer her down the right path so she doesn't make the mistakes I made)

As expected Felt had her usual objections

Felt: Hang on don't get the wrong idea I never said I wanted to be the next ruler of this stupid country who'd wanna be in a Royal Selection

Rimuru: (I can understand not wanting to be forced into this but you could still turn it down with grace)

Marcos: Are you saying you withdraw from the selection

Felt: Damn right I am

As expected the nobles stated their opinions and complaints and dragged Emilia into it

Rimuru: (Looks like it's gonna be Falmuth all over again)

Emilia put her hand on Rimuru's shoulder in an attempt to calm him down

Bordeaux: And that Knight of hers while it may be true he defeated the Bowel hunter he was probably seduced by that Half-Devil w-

This was the last straw that made Rimuru snap he released a terrifying amount of his Aura it brought every noble to the floor and everyone with magic to their knees

This was the last straw that made Rimuru snap he released a terrifying amount of his Aura it brought every noble to the floor and everyone with magic to their knees

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