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I already know this chapter is going to be so tedious to write

Another Morning arrived and Rimuru was sleeping in

Rem: Rimuru you need to wake up

Rimuru: 5 more hours

Rem: . . . But Rimuru we have guests as Emilia's Knight you need to greet them

Before she realized it Rimuru was already at the door and fully dressed

Rimuru: C'mon Rem let's go we have to greet the guests let's hustle

Rimuru left the room and rushed downstairs

Rem: . . . I don't know if I'll ever be able to understand him

Rimuru then rushed to the door and stopped when he saw Emilia he then bowed twice to Emilia


Emilia: It's alright Rimuru they're still outside right now I'm just glad you made it

Rimuru: Thanks for being so understanding

They then opened the door to greet the emissary and company we greeted an old man and what looked like a cat girl but Ciel knew better

Felix: Hello I am Felix Argyle

Emilia: It's a pleasure to see you again Felix

Felix couldn't help but have his attention on Rimuru he could sense something special about him

Felix: My who is this a friend of yours

Emilia: This is Rimuru Tempest my Friend, Knight, Bodyguard, and Sensei

Rimuru: Nice to meet you, Sir Felix

Felix: Ahh not many people can tell I'm a boy at first glance

Rimuru: What a coincidence the same goes for me

Felix: I didn't expect to find someone I had so much in common with

Felix told Emilia the news and that the royal candidates would be summoned Right before Felix was about to leave Rimuru decided to see him off

Rimuru: I hope we meet again Felix

Felix: Agreed and I'd like to exchange what you've learned in magic sometime

Rimuru: I'm afraid that's gonna have to be a secret for now

Wilhelm: It seems you've been able to make a new friend Felix

Felix: Sorry to leave you waiting for so long you must've been bored all by yourself

Wilhelm: Oh it's quite alright I was able to occupy myself by taking care of the carriage

Felix: This Is Rimuru Tempest Lady Emilia's knight and he's quite an interesting fellow he has quite impressive Mana

Wilhelm: Is that so I don't suppose that you may give this old man the honor of sparring sometime

Rimuru: Sure and come now don't sell yourself short I can tell your no mere old man my master in the sword was over 300 years old when I meet him and still in his prime so if there's anything I learned it's that age has got nothing to do with skill

Wilhelm: What a flattering thing for you to say I see why Felix has taken a liking to you

Rimuru: Well I won't keep you guys any longer I hope we meet again

Rimuru then went back into the mansion

Rimuru: Do you know what this meeting could be about

Emilia: I'm not sure but I would appreciate it if you came with me

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