Chapter 9

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Hello small group of people who are still following this for whatever reason!

So this is kind of an announcement and kind of an update? Basically, I realized that I don't really use Wattpad anymore, but I randomly remembered I had this unfinished story, which I left off on a cliffhanger. I'm an idiot.

So yeah, I wanted to say that I don't plan on writing an official ending to this story, but as I've stated in so many other author's notes, I don't want to abandon this fic. I figured I could meet myself halfway by sharing an overview of what I had planned for the story. I did find another chapter and a half? that I had saved in my files, so I'll post that here, and then add some plot points that constitute the ending. I haven't really edited them, I'm just copying and pasting, so hopefully they still make sense. Without further ado, here is the long awaited final chapter.

Emma sat in the corner with her sketchbook, watching the officers preparing for the raid on Green Co. She knew she should probably be getting ready too, but she was nervous, and sketching helped calm her. She barely looked up when Captain Haddock sat down beside her.

"I can't believe we're finally going to get him," the Captain admitted. "And no ransom paying, either. Just a good old-fashioned police raid. Betcha Tintin'll be glad to see us."

"Yeah, I bet he will," she replied. There was a slight smile on her face, but if she had looked up the Captain would have noticed it didn't reach her eyes. Even so, he could still tell something was wrong.

"You don't sound very excited," he commented. "I figured you'd be raring to go. We never would have gotten this far without your encouragement. Like I said before, I would have just paid off the ransom. Tintin would not have been very happy."

"I doubt he's very happy now, either," Emma muttered darkly. Her tone concerned the Captain. She had voiced her concerns while they were waiting for the police in Black's disguised shop, but he had thought she'd gotten over that. Clearly, though, it ran much deeper than a moment of self-doubt.

"He will be when you get there."

Emma finally looked up at him. There were tears in her eyes, but her smile was real this time. She leaned in, enveloping him in a tight embrace. It caught the Captain off guard, but he was quick to accept it. He wasn't normally a hugger, but he would make an exception for her. He smiled down at her as she finally let go, and continued as if nothing had happened.

"Now, you'd better get ready. The chief told me we'd be leaving in an hour."

Emma wiped her eyes on her sleeve and nodded as Captain Haddock went to stand. Just before he turned the corner, she called back to him.

"And Captain." he spun to face her, and she gave him another wet smile. "Thanks."

Rather than reply, he gave her a salute, which made her giggle, before heading off to finish getting ready for the raid.


Kelly frowned at the bloody knife in her hand. Tintin hadn't screamed when she stabbed him like she had hoped he would. In fact, he hadn't let out more than a grunt. By the second stab, he was already unconscious. It was incredibly disappointing. She was expecting more from him. She hadn't kept at it. It was no fun when he couldn't see it coming, when she couldn't watch the pain cross his face as punishment for ruining her life. She had left him there, hanging from his arms in the storage room. She would rejoin him when he regained consciousness. If he regained it, that was. He was obviously weak already, and she hadn't done anything to stop his bleeding wounds. It was pitiful, really. He hadn't even been able to form a coherent sentence. She glanced up at her monitor. The screen displayed the footage from the storage unit where Tintin was hanging. He had yet to wake up, but his face was contorted in pain. It seemed even unconsciousness wasn't enough to allow him to escape. She smirked. Maybe it wasn't all bad. She rather liked the idea of the great Tintin being reduced to this; stuttering and in pain, completely at her mercy. Still, she did hope he would wake up. It would be a shame for everything to end so quickly.

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