Chapter 5

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Tintin sat rigidly in the chair. He was tired and hungry. His hands were sore from trying to loosen the rope. Still, he looked on defiantly. He knew they were watching him, looking for any sign of weakness. Showing it was the last thing he wanted to do.

"Come on, Tintin," he whispered to himself as he tried again to remove his bindings. "You've been in plenty of worse predicaments. This should be no problem."

Suddenly the door burst open. A man in a suit walked in, followed by the camera crew. Great, Tintin thought. Another video. He glared at them all, conveying his obvious anger, but also trying to hide his fear. He was afraid of what might happen, whether he wanted to admit it or not.

"Hello, Mr. Tintin," the man in the suit greeted him. Tintin didn't respond. Instead, he focused on remembering every detail about the man.

He was middle-aged and of average height. His dark hair was swept to one side. The suit he was wearing was a dark navy color. His voice was deep, but had an annoying quality to it, as if he was a young child who, even as he'd matured, still enjoyed aggravating his older siblings. Tintin had seen him once before when they made the first video.

"How are you today?" The man continued. The question had malicious intentions, for he was not simply asking of Tintin's well-being, but whether he was still fighting or if he had broken. In response, Tintin focused his glare on the man.

"What do you want?" He asked pointedly.

"My, my. Is that any way to treat your host?" The man smiled darkly. "I simply asked a friendly question. And I did hope we were on friendly terms."

"I try not to make friends with kidnappers. I find it hard to stay in touch with someone in prison." Tintin allowed himself a smirk at his snarky comeback, but the man simply smiled again.

"Well, then you're in luck. I don't plan to be going to prison anytime soon."

"Who are you, and why are you here?"

"Who am I? I see no reason to tell you. If you live, you could identify me, and if you die, well, you won't have much use for the information. As for why I am here, I think the camera crew behind me answers that question."

"I mean, what do you want from me? Why did you bring me here?"

"Obviously I want money..."

"Besides money. What do you hope to gain from all this?"

There was a moment of silence between the two men. They glared at each other. The tension was so thick you could cut it. Even the camera crew stopped to watch. Finally, the suited man smiled evilly.

"I want to break you," he said quietly. "I want to show the world that the great Tintin is nothing more than another man. But really," he continued more loudly, "That's just a bonus. I am, as I said, looking to make myself rich. I'm sure your friends will be willing to pay a large sum of money to get you home safely. And if not, plenty of people want the pleasure of killing you themselves. Either way, I get rich and you get to leave here. Though I can't say what will happen to you afterward. Now, just tell the camera what you want your loved ones to hear. Depending on their, shall I say, generosity, it may be the last they hear from you."

Tintin wanted to punch this guy in his threats and schemes, but unfortunately, his hands were still tied. He settled for glaring, but he'd been doing that so much he was sure it didn't have the same effect. He sighed inwardly and pondered what to say in the video. He was scared, yes, but that didn't mean he was going down without a fight. Tintin looked directly at the camera. He was angry; at the man in the suit, at the camera crew, and at himself for being stupid enough to get roped into this. When he spoke, he let his anger show in his words.

"I'm still here. I'm still fighting. I won't stop until I breathe my last breath. They haven't won until we surrender. Don't give them the satisfaction of winning. Don't give up hope." After he had finished he continued to stare at the camera. He wanted to look confident, to show his friends that he wasn't giving up and they shouldn't either. Then the light on the camera stopped blinking and the cameraman moved to take down his equipment.

The suited man slow clapped, his displeasure at Tintin's words apparent on his face. "That was an amazing speech, but as I said, I win either way. If you prefer to die that is your choice. I'm sure your enemies will pay well to get their hands on you. Farewell, Tintin. I hope you enjoy the consequences of your words."

Tintin glared again. He wouldn't give this man the satisfaction of arguing. His gaze followed the man to the door. Just as he was about to leave, the wall exploded.

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry, it's been so long. I kind of lost the motivation to continue this story for a while. I'm dropping my update schedule, so I can't tell you when the next update will be. Whenever I'm happy with it, I guess. I'm not super excited about this chapter, but comment if you liked it and if you want more from Tintin's POV. Thanks for reading! Comment, vote, and share if you liked it.

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