Not an Update

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So if anyone was looking through and noticed that it said I updated this story, I didn't. I went through and changed a few minor mistakes I made. Honestly, I was rereading my own book trying to find the inspiration to continue. It's not there. Sorry, but this book is still very much on hold. Honestly, I'm just not really into Tintin anymore. It was kind of a phase that passed and now I'm into other things. If you guys are disappointed and have some ideas or encouraging words, I'm all ears. This story barely has any reads and it's still way more than I expected, so thank you guys. I hate when people publish stories and don't finish them, but I never finish any story I start, so I guess I can't really complain. I'd love to continue if I get some motivation, so if anyone is reading this and actually cares, leave a comment or something. Seriously. I need someone to tell me that my story is great and you want to see the end. Or that it's terrible but you want to see the end anyway. I'll accept criticism as long as it's constructive. Thanks again. Bye!

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