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I'm so sorry everyone! I've been trying really hard to work ahead and keep on top of this story. I established an update schedule really soon into the story and now I'm having a hard time keeping up with it. I know some of you are mad at me because it's been a week and how long does it take to write a simple chapter? Sadly, I've been really busy with life in general, plus a terrible case of writers block. I have about half of the next chapter written, but it's not very good and it was only supposed to be a filler chapter in the first place. I'm considering posting it anyway, just to give you something. If I do, though, just an early warning that right now it stinks. Please comment if you want it anyway. And if you do, please refrain from posting a bunch of hate comments about it. I already told you it's terrible. That being said, I would love if you guys could help me out. If you have any ideas for the plot, please comment them. I'll make sure to give you credit if I use them. Sorry again if you've been following closely and were expecting an update. Thanks for understanding and don't forget to comment your opinion!

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