Chapter 1

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Emma sprinted down the sidewalk. She was running as fast as she could, but she was still certain she'd be late. She always was. She quickly turned the corner and collided with a young man.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," she said as she realized she was on top of him. "I was going so fast I didn't see you."

"It's fine," he said as she helped him up. "You'd be surprised how often something similar happens to me." He bent down to help pick up some papers that had fallen out of her bag.

"Look at these, Snowy," he said as he turned to show them to a small white dog beside him. The dog sniffed the drawings and barked approvingly. Emma laughed.

"Do you always talk to your dog?"

"Snowy? Of course. He's a good friend. These pictures really are great. Did you do them yourself?"

"Thank-you, and yes I did. I'm an artist, or at least I want to be."

"Well, you definitely have what it takes. These are amazing," he said as he handed them back to her.

"Thanks. Now if you're sure you're alright, I'm afraid I'm running a little late."

"I'm fine, but I wouldn't be if I knew I'd made you late. Have a nice day," he said as he walked off.

"You too," she said as she sped off in the opposite direction. She hurried along, but she slowed down at the next corner. It would just be too embarrassing if she ran into someone else. At least the man on the corner had been nice. She was so caught up in her thoughts she almost didn't notice the man in the alley. A muffled cry for help brought her back to reality.

Emma had never been the fighting type. When she first saw the man in the alley, she was scared. Everything about him screamed thug. He was tall and bald. His arms were thick with muscles and his face was marred by a large scar on his left cheek. When she saw the woman he was mugging, though, something clicked.

"Hey," she yelled, and he turned to her. She panicked. What did she think she was doing? What happened next was pure instinct. He lunged at her and she dashed to the side. His weight gave him too much momentum and he was thrown off balance. She took the opportunity to shove him from behind, causing him to fall on his face. She grabbed the woman from the alley and yelled, "Run!"

They both took off. After a few blocks, they realized he wasn't following them. They slowed down to a walk as they made their way to the police station to report the mugger.

"I don't know how I can ever thank you," the woman said. "That was really brave."

"It was really stupid," Emma replied. "Both of us could have been hurt really badly."

"But we weren't, thanks to you. You're a hero to me. Have you ever done anything like that before?"

Emma shook her head. "I just got really lucky."

"Well, I sure am glad you did. My name's Kelly by the way."

"Emma. Nice to meet you."

By then they were at the police station. Emma and Kelly went in to make their report. They pulled Kelly aside to ask some questions and Emma sat down to wait. While she was waiting she pulled out her sketchbook. She began to draw the man from the alley. Soon she had a detailed sketch. She was adding the finishing touches when an officer came over to fetch her. He led her into a room where two very similar looking detectives sat. They introduced themselves as Thomson and Thompson, but she wasn't sure exactly what the difference was.

"Now," said one, "We understand you stopped the mugger."

"To be precise," the other continued, "You stopped the mugger and we want to understand."

Emma explained how she had been rushing down the street when she had heard Kelly yell for help. When the detectives asked her to describe the man, she showed them the picture she'd drawn. Their eyes widened at the realism and detail of the sketch.

"Oh," they said in unison. One of them picked up the phone. She realized his mustache was a bit curlier at the ends.

"Hello, this is Thompson with a P..."

"And Thomson without a P."

"There's something you need to see," they finished together.

A/N: Hey readers! Hope you enjoyed it. Please comment, vote, and share. I'd love to know what you think. Thank-you! 

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