Chapter 2

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Emma waited in the hall. She wasn't sure why she was still there. Thanks to her sketch, the mugger had been identified and captured. The police were just bringing him in. Still, she stood in the hall for no apparent reason. She turned when she heard a familiar voice.

"Well, if it isn't the girl who tackled me on the corner. What were you late for, bad guy catching practice?"

"It's you," she said as she recognized the man from the corner that morning. "No, sorry. I didn't mean to run into you like that."

"I didn't mind. My name is Tintin. I'm a reporter. Actually, I was wondering if I could do a story on you."

"Why would you want to do a story on me?"

"Maybe because you knocked out a mugger and then provided the police with a drawing that helped them to identify and capture him. Or, maybe I just want to write a story about the crazy girl who ran me over on the corner."

She giggled. "I think I'd prefer if you did the first one."

"Great! If it's okay with you, I'd like to interview you at dinner tonight."

"What, like a dinner date?"

He smiled. "Can I pick you up at 6:00?"

"Sure, if it's a date." She wrote down her address and handed it to him.

"I'll be there. In the meantime, why don't I take you home? You must be tired after such a long day."


That night, Tintin and Emma went out to eat together. Tintin did interview Emma, but not just about her eventful morning. Emma asked him similar questions. They were beginning to get to know each other better, and they both liked what they found out.

Neither of them realized they were being watched. Just outside the restaurant, a man was looking in at them. He had a phone to his ear.

"He's not alone, boss. There's some girl with him," the man said.

"A girl you say," the voice on the other end replied. "I'm a reasonable man. Let Tintin enjoy his date tonight. It may be a while before he ever gets to again."


Later that night, Tintin took Emma home.

"I had a great time tonight," she said. "We should do this again. Sometime soon, I hope."

"I agree," he said. "Sometime very soon."

"Goodnight, Tintin."

"Goodnight, Emma." He sighed happily and started on his way home.

"I bet Snowy will be missing me," he thought to himself. "But tonight was worth it, no matter how upset he is with me."

He stopped when he heard a sound in the alley. Curious, he went to investigate.

"Who's there," he called, but there was no answer. Suddenly there was a man behind him and a cloth over his mouth. He tried to fight, but he recognized chloroform. As he quickly lost consciousness, he realized too late that it was a trap. He never should have gone down that alley.


When Emma woke up the next morning she was incredibly happy. For a moment, she couldn't explain why. Then she remembered her night with Tintin. A sudden thought spoiled her recollection. Why she had been in such a hurry the day before.

She had been on her way to a job interview. She thought about calling, trying to explain and reschedule. Sadly, she was sure the would-be employer would accept no excuse. She sighed as she got ready for what would surely be a full day of job hunting. She was on her way out the door when a man stopped her. She didn't think she'd ever seen him before. He looked like a captain. He had a black beard and wore a captain's hat. His blue shirt had an anchor on it.

"Excuse me, are you Emma?" he asked.

"I am. And you are?"

"My name's Captain Haddock. A friend of mine, Tintin said he was taking you out to dinner last night. He didn't come back. I was hoping you could put my mind at ease."

"I haven't seen him since he brought me home last night. You don't think anything bad could have happened, do you?"

"Tintin's pretty resourceful, but it does worry me that he hasn't called." He scratched his beard in thought. "I think I know how we can track him down."


Captain Haddock drove Emma back to Marlinspike Hall. The same little white dog who had been with Tintin on the corner and at the station came running out to meet them.

"Hello Snowy," Emma said as she patted his head. "I was wondering why you weren't there last night. Tintin said he didn't think the restaurant would allow pets."

"Snowy can help us find Tintin," Captain Haddock explained. "His nose is better than a bloodhound's. Especially wherever Tintin is involved."

"So after we drove out here, we're going to take Snowy back to my apartment?" The Captain shifted his feet in embarrassment.

"I guess I didn't think that through very well. Yes, I think your apartment is the best place to start."


When they got back to Emma's apartment, Snowy nearly leaped from the car. He sniffed at the door, then started down the sidewalk. Emma and the Captain followed him. Snowy turned into an alley. He sniffed a bit before sitting down and howling mournfully. Emma and Captain Haddock found him. There appeared to have been a struggle. A dirty cloth laid on the ground. Haddock picked it up.

"Chloroform," he said. "Billions of blistering barnacles. Tintin's been kidnapped!"

A/N: Hey readers! Did you enjoy my cliffhanger? I hope you did. Please let me know. I love reading your comments. Until next time. Thank-you!

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