Chapter 7

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Emma picked up the phone and called the police. She contacted the detectives and let them know where they were. Once they had promised they were on their way, she hung up and walked over to Captain Haddock. The man they'd found earlier was unconscious again. The Captain was watching him carefully.

Emma paced back and forth. Her concern for Tintin's wellbeing was evident on her face. The Captain watched her for a bit before finally speaking up.

"You really shouldn't wear yourself out like that. Worrying isn't going to help Tintin." She stopped abruptly and turned to face him.

"Sorry, nervous habit." She pointed to the sleeping man beside him. "Did our 'friend' tell you anything before he passed out?"

"Not much. He just said 'they' showed up."

"Who is 'they?'"

"No idea. The only other thing I got from him was green."

"Green? Is that like a name?"

"Could be. Or another villain organization. Or the color 'they' were wearing."

"Thanks, you've narrowed it down so much," Emma said sarcastically.

"Sorry. All I'm saying is it could be anything."

"So we have no real leads and Tintin is still missing." She sighed heavily and sat down on the suited villain's other side, gesturing toward him. "At least the police are on their way to pick up this guy."

"That's more like it!" Captain Haddock announced happily. Emma looked at him, confused.

"More like what?"

"The real Emma! You're positive and independent. You don't pace and worry. You decide what you want and make it happen!"

She smiled weakly at him. "I don't feel very positive right now. Besides, how would you know? I met you this morning."

"I like to think I'm a pretty good judge of character, being a captain and all."

"Really? What about your old first mate, Allan?" He frowned.

"Tintin told you about that?"

"Tintin told me about several of his friends. You, the detectives Thompson and Thomson, a calculus professor..."

"That would be Professor Calculus. He may be smart, but he's deaf as a bat."

"The saying is 'blind as a bat', Captain. Bats actually have very good hearing. They use echolocation to find their way at night."

"Thundering... Do you always have to make me feel like an idiot?" She laughed.

"I'd answer that question, but you might finish your curse, and since I'm such a fan of being polite I'll refrain from saying anything that might offend you."

"Too late." They both laughed then. They sat in comfortable silence for a bit before Emma finally spoke up again.

"Thanks, Captain."

He gave her a confused look. "For what?"

"For this. This whole ordeal has been pretty stressful. I really needed this moment to just laugh a little. It makes the bad times a bit more bearable, you know?"

He gave her a small smile. "You're welcome, but there's no need to thank me. If anything, I should be thanking you. If it weren't for you, I never would have had the courage to go after Tintin myself. I would have spent every last bit of the treasure from the Unicorn, and he would have hated me for it just like you said. There would have been a really rich villain out there, and Tintin probably wouldn't have been any better off. So thank you for even believing it was possible. You don't know how much I needed it."

They sat in silence a bit longer as Emma contemplated his words. She was about to open her mouth to speak when he beat her to it.

"Oh look, the police are here. You stay with this guy and I'll go tell them where we are."

Captain Haddock got up to meet the detectives and Emma sighed. She turned to look at their unconscious "friend."

"I hope you can help us," she muttered. "There sure are a lot of people counting on it."

~Author's note~

What's this, an update? I didn't know this story did those anymore.

Guys, I'm just as shocked as you that this is even here. I had this part mostly written a while ago and just randomly decided to finish it. I was planning to wait until I had a few more chapters written before publishing anything, but I guess I can live with this. Sadly, that means it will most likely be a really long time before another chapter comes out.

If I was the reader, I would be disappointed. This is obviously just a filler chapter. Then again, they all feel like filler chapters to me. Why do so many people seem to like this story? The plot moves so slowly I almost wonder if it has one. And is it just me or is everyone really OOC? Maybe it's just Haddock in this chapter giving me that impression.

Well, I'm rambling so I guess I'll wrap this up.

What or who do you think "GREEN" is?

What other characters should I add later?

Comment and vote if you liked it and/or have any suggestions. I'm always willing to hear CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.

Adios amigos! Until next time! (Probably in the very far future.)

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