Happy Acres

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The applications committee for the Happy Acres Neighbourhood Association was meeting to discuss potential new arrivals to the area. Happy Acres was a close community, and they had certain standards for new applicants. Newcomers had to undergo a screening process to make sure they would be suitable neighbours.

Mike Hunter flicked through the contents of a folder labelled 'Jackson' and scribbled a few notes on the pad beside him. "So - the Jacksons. What do we think of them?"

Miss Summers - the younger Miss Summers - raised her liver-spotted hand. "They're young professionals, so that's good. But no children yet. We had some trouble over that with the Smiths, as I'm sure we remember."

Dottie Blair put down her coffee. "That was three years ago. We managed to sort that one out in the end. And the Jacksons are different people."

Miss Summers scowled. "Alright. But I want my objection noted." She glanced at Mr Hunter, who scribbled something on his pad.

"So noted. But let's hear from the others."

Next to raise her hand was Alice Stevens. "You said professionals?" Mike nodded in reply. "Well," Mrs Stevens continued, "money isn't everything here. Did they come across as ... trustworthy?"

"Yes, but they might have been a tad eager to please," Dale Bowman replied. "I just put it down to them really wanting to live here."

"It's not because nobody else wants them?"

Mike picked up the folder and pulled out a printed page. "See for yourself. There have been no checks on them by any housing associations in the last year."

Alice took the profferred sheet of paper, read it, then handed it back. "I suppose there's nothing wrong with being eager to please. It might even be an asset."

"Anybody else?" Mr Hunter asked?

Dottie raised her hand. "I'd just like to say I think Happy Acres could do with some new blood, so to speak. My vote is to let the Jacksons in.":

"My objection still stands," the younger Miss Stevens said, and folded her arms.

Mike Hunter cleared his throat. "Very well. We shall put the vote to the committee. The proposal is the admission of the Jacksons to Happy Acres. All in favour, raise your hands." Mike did a quick, silent count. "And against?"

"Well." Miss Summers shook her head. "I shall abide by the decision of the committee. I don't want to be thought of as a bad neighbour. But I hope that we do not come to regret this."

Mr Hunter reached out to pat Miss Summers on her shoulder. "Don't worry, Eileen. If it comes to that, we''ll let you handle it. After all, you did such a good job with the Smith family."

"Ah. The Smiths." Miss Summers sat back in her chair and smiled coldly. "I did, didn't I?"

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