Chapter 5: Light's out again.

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 I forgot to put up Monty's picture last darn chapter... Oh well, here he is.


 "Who is that??" Sun watches from the distance as you talk to some dark-skinned male, a hint of jealousy was hidden in the jester's voice. Moon heard it very well though, for he was also jealous as they both watched. Luckily to them, you left the place with an annoyed expression as if the conversation between you and the stranger didn't end well.

  "Should we get rid of him?" "Now why would we need to do that, exactly?" Sun frowns at Moon's stupid idea. "He's not a threat to us." "Y/n looked like she knew him. We should get rid of him like we did with Beth." "No, shush!!" Sun growls, "Nobody needs to know what happened with Beth..." Sun frowns sadly. "...Nobody..." "I'm sure she's having a blast hanging around somewhere here." Moon chuckles darkly at his own joke. "I hate you, Moon..." "She hurt you. She betrayed you, and you're willing to forgive her?" "Of course! I...I scared her first, ok?" "But you were willing to talk it out. She wouldn't even give you a chance." "With you... I don't deserve one..." Sun looks at the floor sadly then clenches his fists. "I won't let you have Y/n. She's not ours." "I didn't exactly give you a choice. Sun, if you need me to properly show you how much you need her in our miserable lives then I will." "I don't need to see anything... Let's just get that dang pouch." He starts heading over to you as you search another place.

  He finds you stuck in the Mazercise maze. "Darn it!" You try to find the exit. "Now, how did you manage to get lost in a maze, Y/n?" You angrily question yourself. "Seriously, what did you expect would be in this maze??" "Ooh, Y/n!" You hear a bright and cheery voice. "No!" You quickly turn and glare at the tall male. "Wait, wait!" Sun panics. "Please, listen, ok? I'm not here for you, I-I just want the pouch!" "No, I need it." You frown and point your flashlight at him. "Come near me and I'll hit you with my flashlight!" "Y/n, please... V-violence doesn't solve anything! Look, it's me, Sun!" He waves his arms around. "It's not Moon! You'll be ok!" "Yeah, until the next hour hits and I'm fucked." "Well, Y/n... Even if I was back in the daycare, Moon and I have access all over through the big vents. You'd have no way of escaping!" "Tch, don't look down on me." "I-I'm not! Y/n, please! I... I really like you, ok? Like really really like you!" "What does that explain?" You stare at him in confusion and he looks away with a slight blush. "I-I don't exactly know... I don't usually get these feelings because I'm never around adults..." He nervously fiddles with his fingers.

  "All I know is... I... I want you here. W-with me!" He blushes even more as he stares at his hands, not wanting to look up at you since he was embarrassed. "Something about you... It's so nice when you're around... You're not afraid... E-even if you are, you're strong enough to stick around! Moon and I, we're always alone... We only ever have each other..." "I don't care." You turn and leave since you were still angry at him. Sun feels tears prick his eyes as a familiar pain fills him. 'That... That hurt...' He wipes away his tears. 'That hurt... A lot.' "Now do you see it?" "N-no... I..." "Enough holding it back. We deserve to be happy. We give the kids what they want and everyone treats us horribly. I say it's our  turn to get what we deserve. Don't let her, our prize, leave us again." "I-I can't..." Sun lifts up his hand in the direction you left in, almost as if wanting to follow but he holds back. "M-Moon, I can't..! It's... It's wrong!" "Get her!" "N-no--" "Get her! Get her, get her, GET HER!" "G-gah!" Sun grabs his head in pain as Moon kept screaming the same sentence over and over. Sun falls to his knees and sobs. "M-Moon, please!! It hurts!"

  Moon instantly stops once he realizes he was hurting his only friend. Sun wipes away his tears. "P-please don't make me hurt people." Sun begs. "I-I can't..." "It's ok, Sun." Moon speaks with an understanding tone, "I know you can't." And with that being said, the lights shut off once more and Moon comes out with a grin as he finally speaks with his lips and not in Sun's mind. "But I can."


  Roberto sighs as he leans back in his seat. He'd be lying if he said he didn't feel guilty for letting you go out on your own. To be honest, Sun freaked him the hell out. Sun and Moon. "Tch." Roberto frowns when the lights go out.

  The lights went out...

  'Guess that means it's another chase for Y/n...' Roberto sighs as guilt fills him, but what could he do to help? That weird clown was terrifying. Especially his... Darker half. If it was Sun then maybe Roberto could take him down, but Moon's advantage is the dark. Heck, if it was Sun then maybe they could talk it out. Moon wasn't one for words. He only ever talks to what interests him and that was nothing.

  'No, that doesn't mean anything... I... I should have went with her.' Roberto covers his face with his hand in shame. 'She needed your help and you left her. She never asks for help, guess this is why.' "Dammit." Roberto gets up. "She needs me and I'll be damned if I'm gonna sit here and let a good girl get hurt because I was being selfish." He leaves 'El Chip's' and searches for you, hoping the creepy clown hasn't gotten to you first.

  Meanwhile, you walk back down the stairs carefully since it was too dark and you couldn't find a flashlight charger on the wall. 'I need to find Freddy. If I can find him, he can help turn the power back on.' You search for the way back to his room. You freeze when you see a girl walking around. She looked like one of the girls from the stage. The girl has white hair put up in a side ponytail by a pink bow. You couldn't see her face since she was facing the other way.

  "Oh, little girl~" She calls out. "Where have you and your friends gone?" She searches around. 'I guess Vanessa needed a little extra help finding the others... Dammit...' You frown. 'That makes this more difficult for me.' As you avoid her, you end up bumping into one of the security guards causing it to grab you and an alarm goes off. The white-haired female's head instantly looks your way and she dashes towards you as the robot lets go of you. 'Oh, no! Oh, no!!' You start to run. Another game of cat and mouse, except this time it was with someone new. Sadly, you were always the mouse...

  The chase goes on for a long time and you started getting tired. She was too fast! You tried to hide in some of the booths in the atrium but she threw you out of them causing your right side to hurt, especially your poor arm. Her throw was painfully strong. What you didn't notice was Moon as he swung down and flew into the girl causing her to fly back and hit her head hard on one of the party tables when she fell but not before bumping into you causing you to fall along side her. Luckily, you missed the table and chairs... The hit on her head had definitely knocked her out though. You could even see what looked like blood starting to come from the back of her head, staining her white hair. 'Just how human are these things...?!' You eyes widen at the sight.

  "Oh, Y/n~" Moon looks at you with a smirk. You try to get up but he grabs your leg. "Now, now, my little doll~ You aren't going anywhere." He voices gets darker and angrier as he talks. "No more hide and seek." He drags you closer as you try to kick him but he dodges. "No more cat and mouse. The cat has finally caught his reward~" "N-no!!" You keep trying to kick him but it did nothing. Eventually, he starts lifting you up into the air as the wire on him lifts him up. "Don't worry, I'm taking you home! Our  home!" "No!!" You try to pry his hand off your leg but you were too tired and using more strength only took more.

  You get dropped, though, when a loud noise is heard and Moon is floating and spinning slightly in the air now unconscious. "W-wha...?" Your eyes widen once again and you look in the direction of your savior; seeing Roberto holding a pipe. "Where did you find a pipe?" "Don't ask, let's go." He grabs your hand and you both start running as he drops the pipe. "We need to find Freddy!" You say as you both go to a door and you use a pass on it. "Why?" He questions and you look at him. "If Freddy can get to a recharge station then the power can turn back on." "Hm." Roberto nods and you both hurry to Freddy's room only to find out he wasn't in there.

  "Shit..." You frown with a worried look on your face as Roberto had a confused one. "Where could he be...?"

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