Chapter 26: Safety.

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Nina's P.O.V

You kept coloring but Sun's glances and stares start to make you a little nervous and uncomfortable. "Why do you keep staring at me?" You look up at him and question causing him to snap out of his thoughts. "Oh, sorry." Sun looks down at his drawing and sighs. "You just really remind me of your mother..." "So?" You frown in confusion. "It's nothing... Don't worry about it." Sun shakes his head and goes back to drawing quietly. You pout since you didn't understand and, once again, weren't getting any answers which leaves you in the dark about the situation.

Your mom's phone kept going off also. Either calls or messages. You would glance at Sun every time the phone went off. He wouldn't tell you a thing about it though... Was he hiding something? You stop and stare at your paper. Come to think of it, you didn't know much about Sun... Your mother did teach you about 'stranger danger'. You start to get nervous and look at Sun. He was quietly drawing with a straight face. You expected him to be a cheery and fun guy, but...

What you didn't realize was the fact that his cheery and happy side died when his feelings were crushed by your very own mother. He was left here to be alone all over again. Feared again. Yeah, he used to be a cheery and fun guy. That was long ago...

"I should go." You get up. Sun looks at you with wide fearful eyes. "W-what?" "I'm sure they're looking for me." You pull out your phone and try to check it but you didn't have it. 'Huh?' You frown and search around until Sun shows you it was in his hand. "W-what? How?" You gasp and he smiles then places yours and your mother's in his pocket. "I'm not done playing yet." "S-sun... You're scaring me." You back away in fear and he stands up, his smile falling as he stares at you with dark eyes. "Y/n's not here yet so you can't leave yet." "W-what?! B-but... I..." You stumble on your words.

No wonder your mother didn't want you near him... He was obsessed with her!! Now why couldn't she just tell you that?! This useful information would have probably stopped you from coming here in the first place! How could she keep something so important from you!? "Sun please!" You beg. "I want to see my parents!" You start to cry since you were scared. Sun frowns sadly since he didn't want you to cry. "Don't you see? I am your family." "W-what...?" You wipe away your tears and his smile comes back. "Roberto was never supposed to marry your mother. She was already mine. I'm just taking back what's rightfully mine..." Sun frowns again as anger fills him. Roberto did all this... If only he died with the others then Y/n would be with Sun instead.

"N-no..." "Sit." Sun sits back down and stares at you, waiting for you to do the same. You gulp and slowly sit back down causing a big cheery grin to form on his face. "Alrighty! Let's keep coloring!" He gives you a blank piece of paper and grabs one for himself. You shakily grab a colored pencil and start to draw. 'I-I should have listened...' You keep crying. 'I-I'm sorry Mommy.' You try to draw through your blurry vision from the tears. Sun tries to block out the crying since he was about ready to give you back out of pure guilt. Moon, on the other hand, keeps convincing him not to.

Y/n's P.O.V

You yawn and sit at the dinner table by yourself. Roberto was going to be a little late today so he told you to just make him a plate and get some sleep. You check the clock in the dining room. '9 P.M.' You sigh and get finished eating. Suddenly, you hear a knock at the door. You put your dirty plate in the sink then head towards the door and open it. Your eyes widen when you see Mary's mother panicking. "Y-Y/n, I am so sorry!" "What are you talking about...?" You raise a brow and look around only seeing her kids. "The whole building was searching for her-" "Where the fuck is my daughter?!" You suddenly realize Nina wasn't there and glare at the woman. "I-I don't know! I-I called the police and everything! I was trying to contact you but you wouldn't answer!!" "That..." You gasp. "That's because I lost my phone!" You grab the car keys off the wall and move past the lady then to your car. You angrily get into your car and look at her. "If she turns up dead, I swear! Where did you take her?!" "The pizza plex!" "FUCK!" You hit the steering wheel and point at her. "Better pray I don't come back alive, dammit! We're gonna talk about this later!" "I-I-" Cutting her off, you slam the door shut and start the car.

Why would Nina not tell you about this?! You speed to the pizza plex. It was dangerous, yeah, but your daughter was about to be stuck in the pizza plex with a fucking psycho for the night! With the police surrounding the pizza plex, they wouldn't be able to catch you speeding on the road. You park in the back of the place. Entering from the front won't work because the police will stop you and keep you from finding Nina yourself.

A guard tries to stop you when you enter the building but you shove past him and try to get in. He holds you back though. "No!!" You try to pry him off. "My daughter is in there! I have to sneak in and get her!!" "Hey, wait a minute!!" The guy gasps and you glare at him. "Nina King, right?" "Huh?" Your eyes widen and see the guy who helped you at the daycare. "Yeah... Her." "Hm." The guard thinks. "The police are searching for a girl... Maybe you should wait. They can find-" "No!" You try to enter again but he stops you again. "Ok, ok! Hold on..." The guard sighs. "I have the security passes." He shows you some passes. "Do you know where she is in the plex?" "Daycare!" "Oh?" The guard raises a brow. "Yes!" "Shit..." The guard mumbles and thinks. That day Sun tried to take you... It makes so much sense that he would take your daughter... "Come on." The guard grabs your hand and goes into the building. He quickly heads to the daycare.

Meanwhile, Nina kept drawing. Eventually her tears dried up once she realized crying wasn't going to fix her situation. They both stop drawing when they hear people in the daycare though. While Sun gets up and goes to the balcony to look out, Nina gets up and dashes out. He looks in her direction and panics. "NO!!" He quickly tries to chase her but trips on one of the tiny tables in his room. This is why you should always clean your room...

Nina tries to escape but the door leading to her freedom was locked and without the security pass she was stuck. She starts to cry again as she hears Sun running in her direction. "Hey...!" She hears someone from above so she looks up and sees a teenage girl smile and wave at her while half her body was out of the vent. Two hands held her in place so she wouldn't fall out of the vent while two other hands reached out for her. "I'll help you..!" She whispers loudly but Nina doesn't believe her. "Please. I helped your mother out of the same situation in this same room. You're Y/n's daughter, right?" The young lady keeps a soft voice not to scare the child even more. Nina nods and the girl gives a close-eyed smile. " I'm Cindy and I'll take you somewhere safer like I did with her. I promise."

Nina gulps and grabs her hands as Cindy lifts her up right when Sun gets into the room and tries to grab her. "NO!!" He screams as horrible deja vu fills him. Cindy rushes through the vents with Nina. Instead of taking her to the exit, she hurries Nina to some place called Fazcade. Cindy helps her out of the vents and the little child gulps when she sees a huge four-armed man sitting there in boredom. He looks at the both of them in confusion until Cindy starts to explain everything.

"Hm..." DJ nods. "I'll protect her until you can find help." DJ tries to pick Nina up but Nina screams and crawls back causing him to stop and smile softly. "It's ok, young lady. What's your name? I'm DJ." "N-Nina..." Nina mumbles and he chuckles. "Ah. Y/n's child. I've heard a lot about you from the others." "Y-yeah..!" Nina gasps. Her mother really does know everyone here..! "How does everyone know my mother...?" Nina frowns sadly since she misses her mom. She should have just stayed home...

"Well..." DJ sighs, "Your mother was in this exact situation, Nina. Are you hungry?" DJ tries to change the subject but Nina gets stubborn. "Why?" "Uh... Well... I don't exactly know..." DJ speaks truthfully. He didn't know much of the past situation. He just knew that some people died and he needed to help a young lady escape. "Why didn't that girl take me to the exit?" Nina suddenly questions and DJ frowns sadly. "Nina, the place is closing." "What?!" Her eyes widen and he nods. "The police left when they couldn't find you then closed the place early not so long ago." Nina starts to cry once again and DJ successfully picks her up this time. "Come, let's play some games while we wait for Cindy, hm? I'm sure your mother came to get you. She's... Crazy that way, so I've heard..." DJ chuckles and takes Nina to some of the arcade machines.

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