Chapter 9: Painful secrets.

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  Monty walks back to you and folds his arms. "Is the couple still talking?" "Couple?" You look at him and he pouts since he missed talking with Jax. "Yes. Couple." "Yeah, they're still talking." You sigh and look at the two. This was the most you've ever seen Roberto talk... Guess they're a whole lot closer than you thought. Maybe Roberto and Jax have been friends since they were kids? They look like they'd be childhood best friends.

  "I'm bored." Monty grumbles then looks at you. "Wanna learn how to play golf? We'll have to be quiet though, I just stumbled across Vanessa." "Sure." You get up from the bench. 'It's odd she didn't mention the broken bots though...' Monty thinks then sighs. 'Guess she's used to my chaos.' "Hey, Jax!" He calls out to Jax who looks at him in return. "Y/n and I are gonna go play some golf. You guys wanna join?" "Nah." Jax says and looks back at Roberto as they start talking again. Monty angrily grumbles curses since he was a little envious of their strong bond. "Come on." He growls lowly and tightly grabs your wrist, but not too tight to hurt you, as you both head over to one of the golf courses. "Should we tell them about the guard just in case?" "Nah, they'll be fine. Jax is a pro at not getting caught." "Alright..." You mumble since you were still a little worried.

  Monty starts to look around then gets angry. "Where the hell are my lucky golf clubs?!" He keeps searching then stops once the realization hit him. "Ugh, I let Chica borrow them... They're probably in Roxy's room..." "Why would they be in another person's room?" "Huh?" He looks at you then looks away. "O-oh, uh..." Monty blushes a bit and scratches the back of his head. "L-let's just say they're very close to each other..." He didn't really like talking about other people's relationships... "Come on, let's go get those clubs so we can play." He leaves and you follow. "Do you have security passes?" "The doors open for us animatronics." "Really?" You gasp and he nods. "Yeah. Cool, right?" He smirks at you and you nod.

  You both get to Roxy's room, also avoiding the guard since you passed her twice. Monty opens the door and looks around. Still no sight of them... "Ugh..." He goes to the big metal door in her room and it opens. "C'mon." He looks at you with a bored expression then walks in. You quickly walk in behind him and look around. 'Hm... So I guess they all have a backroom for a recharge station...' You look at her recharge station. "Dammit..!" Monty grumbles since he still couldn't find them. You look at the door that had some kind of Roxy symbol. "What's this?" You point at the door and he looks at it. "Oh, that leads to the Parts and Service room. Maybe they'll be in there? Come." He walks through as the door opens for him. You follow behind and you both get to a tiny elevator. You both enter and he presses the button.

  The elevator takes a good while which made Monty uncomfortable since you both were touching from the tiny elevator. Monty stares at the wall with a blush on his face since he really wasn't used to touching people. You glance at him, seeing him looking away. 'He must be mad about not being able to find the clubs...' You sigh. Meanwhile, Monty was thinking, 'Holy shit, hurry up! Ugh, this is embarrassing...!!' The elevator stops and opens causing him to hurry out. You follow and he checks everywhere. You walk through a few doors and see a huge cylinder machine causing you to gasp. You look through the windows and your eyes widen. "F-Freddy?!?"

  You run over to the door that slowly lifts up. You rush by his side, seeing he was twitching and glitching out. "Y-Y/n." He weakly smiles, his voice glitchy. "Freddy, what the hell happened?!" You try to take the tight straps off his arms. Monty has to come over and help you since they were locked on tight. "Come on, Buddy..." Monty lifts Freddy and puts his arm over his shoulder so Freddy could lean on Monty as he takes the poor tired male to a recharge station. You worriedly follow beside Freddy in case Monty needs help since Freddy was bigger than he was.

  "Y-Y-Y/n..." Freddy glances at you. "Yes, Freddy?" You look at him with worry and he smiles. "I'm g-glad you're ok." "Now's not the time to worry about me, ok? Let's worry about you." You open the recharge station and Monty helps him in. "Thank you, F-F-Friend." Freddy looks at Monty with a grateful smile. "Yeah, no problem..." Monty looks away with sad eyes as he closes the station's door. Freddy closes his eyes and deactivates to charge properly.

  "Monty, do you know anything about this...?" You and Monty sit by the station and he sighs. "No." He looks away. He didn't know why Freddy was in there this time, but he does know how he got in there. That was their punishment when they didn't listen to Vanessa. Sometimes, if she was in a really bad mood, she's take something of theirs too. Something they loved... She'd keep it for the whole weekend since the Pizza Plex was closed. "Well... I'm just glad he's ok." You smile sadly. "Yeah... I don't know why someone would want to harm Freddy out of all of us..." Monty glares at the wall. "Fucking sick bastards..." He growls lowly. 'If I could get my fucking hands on Vanessa, I'll kill her.'

  The lights go out causing you to gulp. "Uh-oh." "Why uh-oh?" Monty looks at you in confusion. "It's diverted to the stations. Freddy will charge better. It's weird though... Usually a glitch in the system stops it and turns the lights back on... Guess this time it didn't since Freddy was in there before the lights shut off." "It's an uh-oh because of Moon!" "Who the hell is Moon?" Monty frowns since he really wants to know this Moon guy after hearing you mention him again. "You know Sun, right?" "Yeah?" "Moon is basically his night mode. He's the complete opposite of Sun! Also, he chases me any time he gets..." "Oh, pfft." Monty grins and wraps his arm around you, pulling you into his chest. "I'll protect ya!" "U-uh...!" Your eyes widen in surprise. "I-I dunno... He took out Freddy AND Chica already..." "Nuh-uh, I got this." Monty gives you a thumbs up and you look at him with a worried expression. "Monty, I really don't want anyone getting hurt again. Maybe I should-" You try to move so you could leave but he only forces you back. "No! Any friend of Freddy's is definitely a friend of mine! Especially since you just helped him out! I will protect you!" "O-ok, Monty.... If you say so..."

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