Chapter 23: Broken.

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  "Ugh..." Sun slowly opens his eyes and looks around. "How did I...?" He weakly leans up and looks at his filthy hands from the room's dirt and dust. He could hear a muffled voice in his head. Was it Moon...? He shakes his head and the voice starts to sound more clear. "Sun?" "Huh...?" "Are you ok, Sun?" "Yeah... I think so." Sun weakly gets up and looks around at the very old room again. He sees broken bots and parts scattered all over the floor covered in dust. He looks up at the flickering light above. "I hate this place..." Sun ignores the nervous feeling creeping in. "Yeah... I hope you don't mind, but I managed to re-activate you." "Thank you. I don't know how you managed to, but really... Thank you."

  Sun wipes the dirt and tears from his face. He didn't know he started crying... "W-what do we do...?" "I don't know. Find a way out, I guess." "B-but what if I belong here? Moon, I'm a bad boy!" Sun starts to cry even more and covers his face in shame. "You're not a bad boy, Sun. Y/n did this... She's teasing us." "N-no!! I-I kept her plush! If I just brought it to the Lost and Found-" "She'd of never come to see us, I know..." "She was supposed to be ours, wasn't she...?" He whispers and Moon keeps quiet for a little but eventually starts to speak. "Yes." "Why isn't she...? What did we do wrong..?" "She's just confused, Sun. And now with Roberto in the way, it's going to be harder to get her to realize it." "S-she's so mean..." "Let's push that aside for now, Sun. We need to get out. Hopefully now that she ran, she won't come back..." "W-what if she does...?" "Then we'll show her the mouse can never outrun the cat. Our little game of cat and mouse WILL be over."

  Sun walks over to the rusty metal door and presses the button to open it but, as expected, the door makes a low noise as if trying to open but quits. He sighs since the door was stuck then looks around some more. This stupid room... What a horrible room. A lonely dead space. Sun looks at the broken bots. 'Very dead...' He searches the top walls and sees a vent. "Moon! Vent!" Sun happily points at it. "Good job. Let's hope that can lead us out..." Moon says and Sun goes over to the vent and stacks boxes so he could reach it since the room was too big. He climbs the boxes then climbs into the old vent. "It's so dark..." Sun mumbles and realizes something. "Don't you come out in the dark?" "I don't want to today, just keep going..." "Wait, so you did it willingly?! Moon!!" "Keep going." He repeats and Sun sighs then starts to crawl. Something seems to be on Moon's mind right now... 

  Sun keeps crawling until he sees a vent going down into a room. He looks into the room and sees a little storage room. "No... I need to go up. We're into the lower parts of the building, aren't we?" "Yes." "Alright, so let's find a vent up then..." He crawls past the vent and keeps going. It takes quite a long time, but eventually he makes it to a little kitchen. He opens the vent and hops out. "Hm." He frowns and looks around at all the busy bots since the plex was still open. "I 'll have to stay hidden until night comes..." Sun hurries back into the vent and keeps going. Maybe he can find a vent near his room?

  Sun ends up making it to Rockstar Row, where the rooms were. Freddy was in his room chatting with some adults and children. Roxy was showing off her trophies to some kids. Monty was sitting in the dark on a little glowing device. Wait... Sun stops crawling past and looks back in Monty's room. That device... It's a phone. It's your phone, isn't it? Yeah. The lock screen Monty kept looking at was a picture of you, Roberto, and Nina at some waterpark. It was a really wholesome photo... Never mind that, if Sun could get his hands on that phone... Maybe he could use that phone to get to you somehow...

  Sun frowns and unknowingly starts to glare at Monty. 'How is he trusted with that device?' Of all the entertainers, Montgomery was the most was most trustworthy to you? The hot-headed, selfish asshole? 'Maybe he stole it from her. Tch, no use lying to myself...' Sun grumbles in his head. He knew Monty loves you like his was apart of the family or something. He'd never steal from you. You probably dropped it at some point. Whatever the case was, that phone will  be his. Sun needs it. 'How do I get it from him though...?' He thinks. "We'll have to get rid of him." Moon suddenly speaks up and Sun gasps. "You mean hurt Monty..?? But he didn't do anything wrong...!" "Do you want the phone or not?" "I-I do..." "Then we'll lure him somewhere else and destroy him." "But..." "No buts. Lure him into the parts and service. We can use the cylinder to strap him in the chair and destroy him." "Ok..." Sun frowns sadly and stares at Monty. He looked lonely... Just like Sun. Lonely and depressed. Oh well... Maybe they both could have been friends in the past, but it's too late now.

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