Chapter 25: Missing child.

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Nina's P.O.V.

  You wake up the next morning to knocking at your door. "Time for school, Sweetie." Roberto opens the door and you tiredly whine. "Noo...." "C'mon, it's Friday." Roberto chuckles then closes the door. You pout and get out of the bed. "Dumb school..." You look at your Freddy teddy you were hugging last night. To think your mother managed to actually get one specially signed by Freddy!! Your parents were awesome!!

  You stretch and walk to your closet to find something to wear. "What should I wear today?" You question then gasp. "Sunflowers!" You grab your favorite sunflower dress then quickly change and put on your shoes. You go downstairs to your parents then sit down on a dining room chair while Y/n does your hair. "There you go. Beautiful." She smiles and pats your head then Roberto places a plate on the table in front of you then a cup of apple juice. "Yay!" You cheer since they made your favorite. "See? Spoiled." Roberto chuckles and Y/n playfully rolls her eyes. "I can't help that we have a little princess living here." She giggles and you look up at your dad then nod. "Yep. I'm a princess." You speak with your mouth full of pancake and he smiles. "Yes, you are."

  After breakfast, you almost hurry out until Roberto stops you. "Um, you're missing your backpack, missy." "Uh..." You blink at him then hurry back upstairs. You grab your backpack and phone then hurry back out as your parents say 'goodbye'. You hurry to the bus stop nearby and your friends rush over to you. "Hey!" "Hey, Mary!" You smile and go on your phone. You frown in confusion when you see a text from your mom. 'Did I forget something else?' You question then go on the messages app then read the text. You gasp when it says it was Sun so you text back 'Hi!' You get a text notification from 'Mommy' which was the name of your mother's contact list.

Mommy: 'Your mother forgot her phone! I was wondering if maybe you could get her to come get it?'

Nina: 'Im going 2 scool! I cant tell her now'

Mommy: 'Okie dokie! But, can you do me a favor?'

Nina: '???'

Mommy: 'Don't tell her I told you that I have it, ok? Remember last time? They don't like me.'

Nina: 'I know... Im sorry about that'

Mommy: 'Hey, Nina. Freddy says he misses you too. You should really convince her, ok?'

  You gasp. 'Freddy misses me?!' You quickly reply with an 'ok!' then the bus comes and the kids hurry in. "Come on, Nina!" Mary snaps you out of your thoughts and you put away your phone then hurry into the bus. Throughout the day, your mind was lost in the thought of how you were going to convince your parents to go back. They hated the place... Your mother told you it was because of Sun but you couldn't believe that. Sun was so nice and caring! She didn't explain anything else to you making it harder to hate the guy. How can someone say someone else is bad and not even back it up??

  During lunch you thought of the pizza plex. You were just so impatient, you wanted to see Freddy again!! You pout since you already knew your mother's answer when you get home. You couldn't ask your dad neither since mom was the boss the of house... Anything she says goes. 'Why are moms so scary??' You pout angrily and pick up your bag of apple slices. Although Roberto is a chill guy so he'd have no reason to go against Y/n's orders and rules, pissing her off also isn't the wisest so he decides to keep to her good side... He pissed her off once and it just didn't end well...

  After school, Mary walks over to you. "Hey, Nina!" "Hm?" You look up at her since you were on your phone texting Sun while waiting for the bus to arrive at the school. Sometimes it's a little late to arrive... "My mom is taking my family to the pizza plex tomorrow! Wanna come with?" "Really?!" You gasp and she excitedly nods. "We're gonna go see my favorite, Roxy!! Isn't that so cool??" "U-uh, sure..." You mumble since you didn't really care. So maybe you can get into the pizza plex... Maybe you could at least get your mother's phone back for her. She'd want that back, right? "I'll have to talk to my parents..." You sigh and she pouts. "Oh, ok." With that, the bus stops and you all go in.

  When you get home, dinner is already at the table along with your mother sitting there happily waiting for you. Everyday after school you both would have a conversation about it. She said it's always good to get it out. Anger, sadness, anything you experience in school. Of course if you didn't want to talk, you didn't have to. You like it though so you walk over and sit down at the table after you take off your shoes and put your backpack on the couch.

  "So, how was school?" Y/n questions and you shrug. "Boring, as usual." "Heh, that's school for you." Y/n starts to eat and you nod. "So..." You bite your bottom lip. 'Dang it, I know she'll say no...! Ugh... What if I...' "Hey, mom?" "Hm?" She looks up from her plate and at you. "Can I go to Mary's tomorrow?" "Aw, I was thinking maybe we could play dolls tomorrow." Y/n pouts and looks down at her plate. "Mom..." You grumble and she sighs. "I know, I know. You're growing up and you want to spend time with your friends sometimes. Fine, you can go." She smiles, "But on Sunday you and I are hanging out!" "Yay!!" You giggle and excitedly start to eat. You ignore the guilty feeling from hiding the fact that you were going back to the pizza plex. It shouldn't be too serious though, right? It's not like something bad is gonna happen...

  After dinner, Roberto comes home as usual. You and Y/n stay at the dining room table as he made a plate for himself and ate his dinner. You even take out your homework and he helps you with it while he eats. Finally night comes. After you were done showering and brushing your teeth, you go straight to bed.

  The next day, around 6 P.M., Mary's mother picks you up and heads straight to the pizza plex with you and her two kids; Mary and Kevin. Their dad couldn't come with because he had to work... Also, they had to pick you up late since Rockstar Row isn't open until later since they have birthday parties to attend earlier in the day. When you all get there, Mary's mother leads you all straight to Roxy's room to meet her. You yawn as Roxy shows off her trophies to them. 'This is so boring...' You sigh and look out the window. You gasp when you see Freddy. 'Oh!' "Um, Mrs. Kole?" You go over to the mother and she looks down at you. "Yes, dear?" "I have to use the bathroom." You pout. "Oh, well-" "It's ok! I know where it is!" You leave before she could say anything else. As you hurry to Freddy, you're suddenly picked up and taken. "W-wha?!" You panic and see Sun's face hidden under a jacket hoodie. He takes you somewhere with less people then puts you down. You pout, "Sun? What was that for? Also..." You look at his outfit that was the pizza plex's merch. "What in the world are you wearing?" 

  Sun nervously chuckles. "I-I wanted an outfit change for today!" He lies and you raise a brow. "Ok, then why did you stop me from seeing Freddy?" "You can see him later, but you should hangout with me!" Sun pulls out Y/n's phone. "Unless you don't want this back?" "Aw..." You pout since he basically pinned you in a corner here. "Alright, alright... But Freddy comes later!" "Of course!" Sun happily picks you up and heads somewhere.

  Hours pass and Mary's mother was freaking out since she nor any of the guards could find you. She pulls out her phone and tries to call Y/n but Sun gets the call. He looks at the phone and reads 'Mary's Mother'. He frowns and hangs up. "What was that?" You look up from your picture and he shakes his head with a smile as he looks back at you. "No one." "Oh, ok." You look back down at your picture and keep decorating it. Sun quietly watches and chuckles lowly. You were using baby blue glitter glue... The exact color glitter glue your mother loved when he first met her. 

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