Chapter 6: True friends.

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"Dammit, Freddy, we've been through this before!" Vanessa glares at the human with bear ears who was strapped to the seat in the parts and service. "V-Vanessa, please! I'm being truthful, I don't know where the kids are!" "Tch, useless as always." Vanessa rolls her eyes. "I could get fired because of this, you know! I'll make sure to take you down with me." Vanessa growls and with that, she leaves.

Freddy sighs and closes his eyes with a sad frown forming on his lips. "Why me... Just why." He opens his eyes. He was trapped in this dark room with no way of searching for you. He came close to finding you once but, of course, Vanessa popped up out of nowhere at the wrong time... Now he's here. 'Dang it, that girl needs my help!' He tries to remove his hands from the straps. 'I need to turn the lights back on!' Freddy starts to get tired feeling his energy low. 'Dang it... I... I'm sorry, Y/n...' Freddy closes his eyes in defeat. 'I'm truly sorry...'


"Maybe we can get one of the others to help us? Why does it have to be Freddy?" "Did you not see that white-haired girl chasing me?!" "White-haired girl...? Oh, Chica?" "That's her name? Oh, whatever. Point is, they're not on our side! They're on the guard's side!" "Well, it would be good if we found the guard, right...? Maybe she could help?" "No. I... I don't trust her..." You mumble and shake your head. "How does she have so much power over these robots...? We need to find Freddy, that's all we can do." "Alright." Roberto nods in understanding and you both leave Freddy's room. "Maybe there could be something else in the other's rooms?" You head towards the next room which was Roxy's then look in it, seeing she wasn't there.

You pull out Sun's pouch then open it and search for the appropriate pass then pull it out. "How did you get those?" He points to the pouch and you sigh. "It was Sun's. I had to take it from him." "Hm... Jax has a pouch full of the passes too. Not all of them like how you have it. Do you have the ones for Monty's golf area and stuff?" "Hm, not that I saw..." You check and shake your head. "Guess Sun didn't care enough to collect them..." "We should get them. Maybe the others are in those areas."

You open the door and enter but don't find anything useful. "Nothing good in here..." You sigh in disappointment then leave the room and move to the next only to stop once you heard the loud noises coming from it. 'Nope.' You go to Chica's and open that door. Roberto looks around the room while you go to a present that was on her vanity table. You wind up the present and the top pops off. "Oh?" You pull out a golden ticket. "What's this?" "Hm?" Roberto stops looking around then looks at you. "Y/n! That's a party pass!"

Roberto walks over to you and takes it from you. "This party pass could get us into FazerBlast or Monty's golf area. I don't know if it can open other places... I usually go to the golf area... Beth loved the FazerBlast." "You seem to know Beth well." You take the pass back and put it in the pouch. "Heh, yeah." He nods. "We used to be close friends until Becky got jealous or something like that." "Jealous...?"

"Sheesh, how are you Beth's best friend and you don't know anything about her?" Roberto frowns in annoyance you roll your eyes. "Fucking rude." "Sorry... I guess Beth doesn't like to talk about it and you're not one to force it out of someone... Well... Becky was one of those girls who... Uh, loved having attention. Beth would get more attention from her parents. Not only that, but she also didn't have to work so hard to gain other's attention. She was so pretty, so sweet that guys and girls just naturally went up to her. Her being so social, everyone just clicked with her. Becky, on the other hand... She grew desperate for attention. So desperate that eventually she just started hating Beth's guts and now bullies her endlessly." "Yikes... I really wish Beth told me that... That poor girl's been through a lot." "Yep..." Roberto sadly looks away.

"Which should we go to first?" You change the subject. "Monty's or FazerBlast?" "We should go for Monty's. Right now though, lights first. "Right, right." You nod and the lights suddenly come back on. "Huh?" You frown in confusion then look at Roberto who only shrugs. "To Monty's then, I guess." You both leave the room.

Meanwhile, Vanessa looks at Monty who was in his recharge station. He comes out with a frown. "Are we done here?" "Thanks, Monty. Moon's been all over the place and he's starting to get in the way. He attacked Chica earlier for some damn reason..." She sighs and shakes her head. "Go back and keep searching for the kids, ok?" "Sure." Monty grumbles and heads back to his area. Little does she know he already has one...

"Oh, Jax." He looks around. Jax pops his head from a corner causing him to smirk. "There you are. Surprised you didn't get caught by any of the annoying bots in this room." He looks at all the bots surrounding the whole golf area and guarding it. "Seriously... "Jax grumbles then smirks at Monty. "Should we get rid of them?" "I like you, Man." Monty chuckles and pats the smaller man's back. "I should have a bat somewhere. Let's go get it and wreck some shit!"


You both get to the bot and hand it the pass. It was easy getting there because Roberto knew exactly where to go. The bot throws confetti, does a cute little dance, then allows you in and you both use the elevator to Monty's golf area. You both finally get to the golf course then you and Roberto look around in surprise. The security bots were absolutely destroyed! You both hear loud laughing as the smashing continued. 'What the hell?' You look at Roberto who starts walking down the stairs. You quietly follow behind.

"Sounds like two people are laughing..." He whispers to you then frowns. "And one sounds oddly fucking familiar..." You both sneak to the laughing people then Roberto's frown deepens. 'I knew it.'

"What should we smash next?" Jax questions and Monty shrugs. "I wonder where that bitch Roxy is. She's always complaining and shit. 'Oh, I'm soo much better!' 'Oh, you're pathetic!' " Monty rolls his eyes. "I'll fucking smash her face in if I could." "I know how to feel." Jax frowns and Monty raises a brow. "You do?" "Pfft, yeah. My dumbass girlfriend." Jax sighs. "She's always bragging about herself or insulting someone. She even likes to boss me around. Her and Rozy do. The only one who truly get me is Roberto..." Jax sadly looks down at his bat since he missed his best friend. "I know I'm not the greatest... I'm pretty annoying... I have a damn bad temper... But he keeps up with it, ya know?" "I get it." Monty nods. "Chica's like that with me. She's a little weird, but she's got my back. Then again, Roxy's the same way..." Monty sighs in guilt. "Yeah, I couldn't hurt them no matter how much I wanted to... They're basically family." "No, Becky's not family to me..." Jax grumbles. "Hell, Y/n's more family to me than she is and I'm barely even close to that girl."

"Y/n? That name sounds familiar. I think I heard Sun talking to himself about her once." "Oh, really?" Jax raises a brow. "Hell yeah. He's obsessed with the girl or somethin', I dunno." "Oh..." Jax frowns sadly. "Shit, I... I kinda feel bad... I threw her in the daycare with her friend... Even when I knew she was scared..." "Damn, you got a cold heart." Monty chuckles and pokes Jax's cheek. "I enjoy how we understand each other so well. For that, why don't I help you find your friends?" Monty smiles. "R-really?" Jax's eyes widen. "Eh, I'm not much of a nice guy towards people, but... I really like you, Jax. It's the least I can do. Who would you like to find?" "Roberto!" Jax says an in instant. "Whoa-ho, guess he's extremely important to ya, huh?" "Yes!"

You look at Roberto, seeing a big smile on his face. 'Awe..' You smile and look back at the two who were talking. "Guess we should reveal ourselves, hm...?" You whisper to Roberto and he nods. "I guess so..." With that, you both reveal yourself, surprising the two.

"Surprise..." You and Roberto awkwardly say in sync.

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