Chapter 19: Unwelcome.

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  "Whatever you're here for, we don't want to hear it." Monty glares at Sun causing him to frown sadly and look down. "Please... I just want to apologize..." "Apologizing won't bring back Jax." Roberto angrily clenches his fists. "You killed him." "I-I..." Sun looks up at the man seeing hurt in his eyes. "I'm sorry..." "Take your sorry and go." Roberto folds his arms and Sun sighs sadly. "Can I speak to Y/n-" "No." Monty and Roberto say in sync and Sun sighs sadly with a nod. "Alright..."

  Nina, watching from a short distance, stomps over with a frown. "Why are you guys bullying him?!" She pouts and grabs the jester's hand. "Nina, you wouldn't understand." You move Monty and Roberto then try to move her away from Sun but she didn't allow it. "Nuh-uh! You and daddy taught me that bullying is never the answer!!" She looks up at Roberto then Monty. "So stop ganging up on him!" She stomps her foot angrily. "N-Nina, it's ok." Sun sadly smiles at her and ruffles her hair. "I should get going then." He looks at you. You don't look at him though since you didn't want to see his sad eyes and end up feeling guilty. This only hurts Sun more... "Well..." He moves Nina's hand then looks down at the girl who starts to hug her Freddy teddy. "I hope to see you again." Sun smiles. "And happy birthday!" He leaves with a wave. Nina sadly waves back.

  As Sun heads back Moon finally starts to speak, "She's prettier." "Shush." Sun frowns. "You're the reason they didn't want to talk to us." "Oh, please." Moon grumbles. It wasn't his fault Jax died... Cindy tackled him and he accidentally stabbed the object in Jax's throat. He wasn't ACTUALLY going to kill him... Sun rolls his eyes and gets to the Daycare where the guard was having a terrible time with the kids. "I can take it from here, David. Thanks!" Sun smiles at the guard who sighs in relief and quickly leaves the little demons to Sun. 

  "How are we going to get her back?" "How??" Sun frowns as he whispers so the kids couldn't hear him. "What do you mean how? We don't...!" He takes a bottle of glue from one of the kids who try to drink it. "She has a family, Moon..! We can't just take her!" "Then we'll take Nina too..." "No!" Sun angrily stomps his foot then picks up one of the kids who was jumping in a pile of glitter they dropped on the floor while he wasn't here. "Look... I've given up last time and let you do what you wanted... You failed and made things worse... I won't make the same mistake again, Moon..." "You will. You miss her. We miss her." "I-I do miss her, but..." Sun places the kid down and attempts to wipe most of the glitter off him. "Is it really worth it...? Ruining her life, I mean... Sure I'd love to have her with us... I'd do anything! But I love her enough to let her go and live her life with Roberto." "Tch... Still can't believe she married him... And I thought he wasn't a threat. Pfft, he was a big threat! That sneaky bastard." Sun hears Moon causing him to chuckle. "Hah. You did once call him a threat though." "Yeah, but then I saw him and Jax were very close! I thought they'd be a gay couple!! Ugh, I shouldn't have killed Jax..." "Hate to break it to ya, Moon, but Jax was like Roberto's big brother. He only saw Roberto as his baby brother." "Tch, dammit..." Moon speaks in a pouty voice causing Sun to smile. "It was fate... Y/n was meant to be with Roberto... They make a perfect pair..." Sun sighs sadly as his smile falls. "She... Wasn't meant for us... No one was... We're just entertainment waiting to be discarded..."

  After saying that, Moon stopped talking and Sun lets the kid run along to his friends. Sun quietly cleans up the children's mess. He wasn't as excited as he was before... His childish personality just wasn't in the mood to come out after he saw you. He felt sad again. Once the place was clean, he puts the children in a seat and brings out snacks for them to enjoy. Little juice boxes and goldfish crackers were the snacks for today. Sun loves to get different snacks for each day. Today was goldfish and apple juice day! The kids cheer and make a mess as they eat their snacks and play. Sun sits on the floor beside one of the tables. He looks down at the table, seeing dried glitter glue. He uses his finger nail to scratch it off. "Clean is healthy." He smiles.

  10 P.M. hits and the place starts to close. The daycare closes a little early since all the kids went home early. Sun spends about 30 minutes cleaning the place. The glitter was the hardest part... Once he was done, he was free to roam around. Sun finally didn't need the passes to enter areas. The workers decided he should get an upgrade like the others since they could unlock doors without passes. He heads straight towards the atrium in hopes that you were still there. He could at least watch you from afar, right...? That's not weird... Right...? Well, to his disappointment, you were already gone along with the rest of the family. It was no surprise there since it's been hours since the party was going on... Sun sighs sadly and watches the janitors clean the mess from the party. "We should figure out a way to bring her back." Moon starts to speak again and Sun shakes his head. "I hope she never returns... I was such a  fool to believe you could help me get her..." Sun frowns. "I was just so desperate..." Sun squints his eyes when he sees something under one of the tables. He walks over and bends down then gasps when he sees Nina's Freddy teddy. 

  He grabs it and looks at the tag where her name is written on it in black ink. "Nina's teddy..." Sun mumbles. You would definitely have to come back for this in the future... Sun unknowingly smiles at the thought of you having to come back. One of the janitors look at Sun with a worried expression since Sun had a huge toothy grin on his face as he stared at the teddy bear. 'Is something wrong with him...??'

  Sun shakes his head and frowns. "No! I shouldn't be so happy... She could just buy Nina a new one..." "Nah, she won't. Nina looks like a stubborn kid. She'll want just that one." "Whatever... Even if they did come back, we won't be the ones giving it back to her. I need to bring it to the lost and found." "But-" "No, lost and found it is." Sun heads towards the direction of the lost and found as he ignores the quiet stares since they were wondering who he was talking to.

  As he walks towards the lost and found, even his own thoughts start to argue with him. Moon was right though, Nina would be stubborn... And, if Sun had it, he could personally give it to Nina. If he does that, she'll love him more... He'll become her favorite and you would have no choice but to be near him... "No!" Sun shakes his head. "I will NOT be thinking this way! I-I am not like you, Moon!! I am a good person!" "Sun, you were always like this. It just took a while to finally let it out... How does it feel, Sun...? Losing yourself?" "Shut up!!! Shut up, shut up!!" Sun grips the teddy tightly. "Ugh! I can't!! Dang it, I can't!!!" Tears prick his eyes as he tightly closes them and stops walking. "I'm a good boy! I'm a good person!!" "No, you're not. You let me kill Jax." "No!!" "You did, Sun. You didn't even fight it. I felt the way you looked at Beth when she was hung in our room too... You didn't care about her anymore. You didn't feel bad anymore." "NO!!!" Sun angrily screams and falls to his knees, hugging the teddy bear tightly as he starts to sob with his face hidden in it. "I-I'm a good person!! I'm good!! I'M GOOD!!" "Sun, just embrace it. It's who we-" "SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" Sun interrupts him and hurries back onto his feet. "I-I'm just broken, is all!! I-I should get fixed!! Yeah!!" Sun starts to pace around in a panic. "Sun, please calm down-" "N-no! I-I can't be thinking like this!! I-I'm not me! It's not me!" "Sun, please..." "No!! I won't accept it!!" Sun angrily shakes his head then looks down at the teddy bear. Seeing it starts to calm him down.

  "Tomorrow she'll be needing this back..." Sun whispers and frowns. "I'll... I'll be the one to give it to her..." He turns around and heads back to the daycare. Moon keeps silent. It's best to let Sun learn on his own... Either way, Sun was losing his mind and there was nothing he could do or say at this point. Even if Sun has to fight himself to keep from losing it, it'll all come out in the end anyway. It just takes time...

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