Chapter 18: Party time.

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  Once everything was set up and the food and drinks were here, you all sit down and eat. Nina decided to eat with her friends so you and Roberto were left alone at a party table in the back. You didn't mind since it was quieter here than with the others. "I can't wait for the performance." Roberto says as he picks up his pizza. "I heard Chica's little pizza obsession is also fixed." "Where did you hear that from?" You raise a brow and he sighs. "I talked to Freddy too, ya know." "Ok, ok." You smile. "Well, that's good. Very good, actually..." You mumble, remembering Becky's death. You shake your head as an attempt to forget.

  "Lady's and Gentlemen, boys and girls! Fazbear Entertainment would like you to put your hands together for the one, the only: Freddy Fazbear!"

  "Oh, it's starting...!" Roberto excitedly looks up at the stage. This wasn't his first time having a birthday party here since him and Beth would have their birthdays here when they were kids, but nothing will kill his excitement for the children performances they do. The room goes silent as the show starts. Loud music, bright lights, and all that special effects and whatnot happens causing Roberto to excitedly cheer like a child. 'Awe, how cute.' You smile at him. He was such a child at heart which was something you absolutely loved about him. It was something that was so rare when you both were still teenagers. Only once you both started getting romantically close did you see it. To think Roberto was the man you were going to marry... It truly was a pleasant surprise.

  Roberto was too excited and focused to see his wife lovingly staring at him. Eventually, you look back at the stage once Freddy started singing a song. As the show continues, you see one of the parents take Nina to the bathroom. You sigh and smile, 'This is why you can't give Nina too much soda...'

  "C'mon, little Nina." The mother holds the little girl's hand as they walk to the bathroom only to see two little floor bots blocking the entrances since the bathrooms were being cleaned. "Darn..." The mother frowns and looks at Nina who was doing what she calls the potty dance. "I gotta go...!!" Nina whines. 'Dammit..!' She picks Nina up and rushes around only to be stopped by one of the workers. "Is there something wrong, Miss?" The guy says and she nods. "Yes! We need a bathroom immediately! This girl has to go!" "Oh, of course! Follow me!" The guy hurries somewhere and she follows him. He takes them to a bathroom and she hurries inside and takes Nina to a stall. She closes the stall door, leaving Nina to do her business alone like a big girl she was. The woman looks around at the bathroom, seeing the bathroom was themed as the daycare attendant, Sundrop. "Hm..." She pouts. "I've never been to this side of the pizza plex... How will I get back...?" She sighs and Nina comes out. "Alrighty, let's wash our hands now!" She smiles at Nina. "Yeah!" Nina walks over to the sinks and tries to turn one on but she couldn't reach so the mother picks her up and helps her wash her hands.

  Once Nina was done and drying her hands, she tosses the paper towel in the trash and the mother grabs her hand. "Alright, let's get back to the party, mk?" "Okie dokie!" Nina skips out with the lady and the lady looks around in confusion. 'Where did that darn worker go...? I have no clue where I am...!' "Come on, let's go find someone who can help us get back." She picks up Nina and heads to the daycare. She goes through the big double doors of the daycare since Sun seems to be the only person who could help. "Um, hello?" She looks at the man who was playing with glitter with the kids. "Why, hello there!" He jumps up startling the poor woman. Nina excitedly claps her hands. "I love glitter!!"

  Sun looks down at the girl and gasps at the familiar face. 'Y/n...?' He shakes his head and fakes a smile though he missed you so much. "Do you like... Glitter glue?" "Yeah! Yeah!" Nina giggles. "Mommy and I play with glitter and paper all the time! We make origami" "You... Do...?" Sun's eyes widen then he looks up at the woman. "Are you her mother?" "Oh, uh... No." The mother nervously smiles. "A-actually, I need help finding the atrium?" "Oh, that's simple. Why don't I take her there?" Sun takes the little girl from the mother with a smile. "Oh, but-" "No buts!" Sun hugs Nina and turns to leave as he ignores the lady. "Say, what's your name??" Sun stops walking and Nina smiles. "I'm Nina! Today's my birthday!" "Oooh, I love birthdays!!" Sun twirls around with Nina and she laughs. "Weee!"

  The lady smiles a little at the cute scene. "Ok, well... I really need to go now." She tries to take Nina back but Sun gives an angry look and dodges her causing the lady to gasp in surprise. "O-oh, uh..." Sun realizes what he did and nervously chuckles. "M-my bad." He hands the girl back. The lady tries to take Nina out of his hands but he held on tight until she was finally able to pry her out of his hands. Sun's hands clench as the mother quickly leaves. He quietly watches her leave while a blank expression was shown on his face. It's almost as if Y/n was taken from him all over again. History loves to repeat itself... Sun sadly looks down at the kids he was taking care of. "Oh, Y/n..." He closes his eyes with his head hanging low. The little girl looks just like you... How..? Sun frowns and looks up. "I'll have to see this for myself." He leaves the daycare and grabs a guard. "Can you watch the kids for me?" "U-uh, what?" The guard's eyes widen but Sun doesn't give him a chance to talk as he follows the lady from before. 

  "Hold on!!" Sun hurries over and she stops and looks at him. "O-oh, uh..." She nervously looks away since she really didn't want to see him. He was... Weird. "Let me help you find the Atrium!" Sun smiles and grabs her hand then starts heading towards the Atrium. When they get there, he looks around. "Wow! A big party!" He looks down at Nina and she nods excitedly. "Yeah!" "It sure looks fun! Where's your parents, Nina?" Sun looks at Nina and she points at your table. Sun looks at the back of your head but he was so far, he couldn't really see much else. 

  "Weeell... It was very nice of you to help us." The lady fakes a smile and slowly starts to leave with Nina. "We should go." She then starts to hurry away and Sun frowns sadly. 'Another day, another frightened parent. Nina seemed to like me though...' He smiles sadly then gulps. 'S-should I go meet her parents...?' He stares at you and Roberto. 'W-what if it is her...? I-I shouldn't be here..!' He looks at the exit that led to the Daycare. 'I-it'll be quick though!!' He looks back at you both. 'Gah, no!!' He turns once again to the Daycare. 'But I have to apologize!!' He turns back to you. "Gahh!!" He pulls his hair since he didn't know what to do. Nobody could hear him over the loud music though.

  The show's finally over and the performers hops off the stage. Just as Freddy said, Monty pounces on you and hugs you tight once he sees your face. "M-Monty!" Your eyes widen since you both fell to the floor. Roberto chuckles at Monty's childish excitement. Monty gets off you and helps you up. "Y/n, what a surprise!" He hugs you again and you smile. "Yeah," You hug back and sigh. "You've grown so much..." Monty rests his head on your shoulder as he stares down with sad eyes. He saw Nina and it was amazing how much she looked like you... It's weird though... Monty will forever stay the same. This place will always... Stay the same... But you'll change. You have changed. The thought of it scares him. Someday you'll be gone and Nina will be the one bringing her kids here.

  Monty shakes the thought out of his head and moves away from you with a grin. "I expect to see you more, Y/n." "Oh, Monty..." You sigh, "I really didn't want to come back." Monty's grin falls and you frown sadly. "We'll see what the future holds... I'm really trying to keep away from Sun though." "I-I know..." He looks away sadly. You pat his head, "It's ok, Monty. You'll find a better best friend. Do you need me to give you back the unlimited pass?" "No!" Monty looks at you with pain in his eyes. "Don't! Keep it. Then, um... Give it to Nina when she's grown." He smiles sadly. "Maybe someday one of her kids would like to meet me." "Of course!" You smile and hear someone clear their throat from behind you. You turn and see Roberto. "Can I get my woman back?" Roberto frowns and Monty glares at him. "You married Mr. Useless?" 

  "Monty..." You pout at him and he rolls his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, whatever..." He looks back at Roberto. "Better protect her this time." He speak with a low growl and Roberto nods. "I will, don't worry." "U-um..." You three hear someone else and look in that direction. Roberto and Monty quickly stand in front of you to protect you when they see Sun. Sun gulps and nervously fiddles with his fingers as he looks down at the shorter men in front of him. "H-hi..." He nervously smiles then looks at you. "It's been awhile, huh...?"

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