(1) What did I do wrong?

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Richie was sitting on his bed, crying. He was having trouble keeping himself in a sitting position, since his Father had just beat him. But Richie maintained his posture the best he could, seeing this isn't the first time this has happened.

It was only 4 pm, but Richie was exhausted. He was so tired of just everything, his abusive parents, his thoughts, trying to make the Loser's laugh.
It was enough to make anyone tired, he thought.

Richie was trying his best to stay awake, but he just couldn't. His eyes got heavier as he fell asleep.


Richie woke up at 6 am with a headache, he hadn't eaten yesterday nor did his parents wake him up. But that was the thing, his parents just didn't care.

Richie got up out of bed and went to his bathroom. Richie stopped and stood in front of his mirror and sighed.
Why is this happening to me? What did I do wrong?

Richie fixed his hair to cover the bruise in the corner of his forehead.

After Richie finished getting dressed, he then slowly walked downstairs where his Father was.

"Richard? I swear if that's you, you son of a bitch" Went said loudly.

Richie sighed painfully, "Yeah, you are a bitch!"

"What did I say about talking to your Father like that, Richard?" Went said even louder.

"It's RICHIE, bitch. Does it really matter? We already know you're gonna hit m—"

"JUST GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE, NOW." Went yelled, cutting Richie off.

Richie whimpered at that, he was nervous to be hit yet again for he was already in pain.

Richie finished walking down the stairs and walked to the Kitchen where Went was.

Went grabbed Richie and punched him.
"You stupid fucking faggot,"

'How did he know?' Richie thought.

Went kicked Richie in the stomach as Richie fell to his knees.

"Now hurry up before you're fucking late, dumb fag. I hope a car hits you on the way there!" Went chuckled.

Richie whimpered in pain as he hurried to get up - grabbing his back-pack on the way out.
"I FUCKING HATE YOU" Richie screamed as he ran out the door.

A/N: Please tell me how I did--- I feel like this is really short, I apologize— Tysm for reading though! 2nd ch. will be out soon-! ♡♡ <3

Richie Tozier angstWhere stories live. Discover now