(9) Am I.. Reddie to say this?

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A/N: Hello! I was very excited about this chapter and I hope you are too! Read "Keep Running" before this so it makes sense if you haven't! Enjoy!

"We love you too, Richie" Beverly said, wasting no time to assure Richie of that.

Eddie just slightly nodded as Stan put his hand on Richie's shoulder.

Richie smiled, wiping his tears away.

"Richie, you don't have to answer this now, but I think we all want to know who the fuck we just faught?" Stan said, looking at all of them.

'His voice was so familiar..' Eddie thought to himself.

Richie just sat there for a moment and sighed.

Richie didn't wanna say it, so he didn't.
He wanted it just to be him and Eddie, no one else, if he did tell someone.

Yeah, Stan and Bev were his friends, and Stan knows a lot, but he just didn't want to.

Deep down, he just wanted Eddie.

Richie finally broke the silence, "C-Can we go back inside?"

"Sure," Bev replied, all of them helping Richie up.

They all walked back to the clubhouse and climbed down the latter.

"You okay, Richie?" Mike said.

"Fuckin' great, thanks" Richie plastered a sarcastic smile on his face.

"Okay, I kinda deserved that," Mike said

Bill looked at Richie, but then stared at Stan.


As Richie lay in the hammock, the other losers played games and talked.

"'Sure you don't wanna play, Richie?" Ben asked, smiling.

"I'm sure," Richie replied, sounding a bit dead.

"Okay then" Ben said, turning back to their game.

"UNO!!" Eddie yelled.

"Theres no need to yell so fucking loud, Eddie.." Stan mumbled.

"L-Losen up a bit, S-Stan. It's just a g-game!" Bill said. Bill heard everything Stan said because he was sitting next to him.

Stan looked at Bill, layed down a card and sighed.

Richie laid in the hammock just watching them play.

Richie wanted to play, really, but he was just tired.
He didn't wanna leave the losers, because he loved them and would miss them, but he just didn't feel like socializing.

Which is very unusual for Richie.

"Sure you don't wanna play, love? Or we can play something else.." Bev trailed off.

Stan kinda hoped they would change the game. He was tired of Eddie screaming and yelling the draw 4's weren't on him, making sure they heard him say "uNo", etc.

"Yeah, we could," Stan said, trying not to get his hopes up.

"Uhm.." Richie sighed, "I'm good," Richie said, frowning a bit.

"Okay then, well, just tell us if you wanna join" Bev said with a smile.

Stanley sighed as Bill patted his shoulder.

"Y-You'll survive, Stan." Bill laughed.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever" Stanley said, trying not to let a smile let loose.

Richie smiled at that. He'd always loved Bill and Stan's friendship.

But, Richie also knew stuff Bill didn't-

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2023 ⏰

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