(5) Nothing.

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Eddie looked all over the school for Richie, he couldn't find him.
He wasn't in the bathroom, none of the classrooms, boys locker room, anywhere.

Eddie didn't wanna give up, but Richie was no where to be found.

Eddie never thought of looking outside the school building, though.
And there Richie sat, against a tree sobbing.

Richie ran as fast as he could out of that school, knowing Eddie, Stan, or both would run after him.

Then, something clicked in Eddie's mind.

Richie looked up and there Eddie was, standing in front of him.

"E-Eddie?" Richie said under sobs.

"Why did you run? We're willing to help you, Richie" Eddie said, obviously concerned.

Richie didn't respond, he just sat there and sobbed.

"Richie, just tell me what's wrong, please. I want to help you, please let m—"
"No! Just stop Eddie, please." Eddie was cut off by Richie.

So, Eddie stopped talking. He knelt down and tried to hug Richie, Richie just pulled into it.

Richie sobbed into Eddie's shoulder, and Eddie held tight onto Richie.

But little did they know, someone was watching.

Eddie was trying to comfort Richie, and get him to tell him what was wrong.

Then, Eddie was pulled away from Richie.
"E-EDDIE!" Richie yelled, not wanting Eddie to leave him.

Henry had a tight grip on Eddie, nodding for Patrick to go over to Richie.

Patrick did as told, "NO! STOP, DONT TOUCH HI—" Eddie yelled, but was cut off by Henry's hand over his mouth.

Patrick grabbed Richie by the neck, and choked him.

"Pathetic fucking faggots!" Henry said.

"e-eddie.." Richie managed to get out, gasping for air.

Eddie kicked backwards and hit Henry's crotch, making Henry let go of him.

"Damn it!" Henry yelled.

"LET HIM GO, NOW!" Eddie yelled at Patrick.

"Come any closer and I'll kill him," Patrick said tightening his grip on Richie's throat.

"I SAID LET HIM GO!" Eddie grabbed Richie out of Patrick's grasp, and Richie fell to the ground.

Eddie kicked Patrick in the face, as Henry got up.

Eddie quickly turned around, to see Henry standing again, grinning.

"If you touch him, I swear to fucking god" Eddie said sternly, kneeling down next to Richie.

"I'm not done until that faggot's dead" Henry replied.

"E-eddie just get out of here.." Richie said as tears ran down his face.

"No! I'm not leaving you here with this bastard!" Eddie stood up, and kicked Henry in the face, knocking him down.

Eddie stood over Henry, "If you get up, you'll get worse, fucking bitch" Eddie said after kicking Henry in the shins.

Richie just layed there, sobbing. He couldn't move if he wanted to. Everything just felt so numb. Luckily, he'd caught his breathe though.

Eddie ran over to Richie "Hey, wanna go back inside?" Eddie asked, concerned for his friend.

"Mhm" Richie hummed.

Eddie helped Richie up, and Richie just leaned on Eddie as they walked back inside the school.


As they got in, they ran into some of the losers.

"Holy shit, what the fuck happened?!" Beverly said loudly, pointing at Richie with tears running down his face.

'I knew something was up' Stanley thought.

"Y-yeah, what happened?!-" Bill asked.

"Bowers" Richie said lowly, "Bowers fucking happened. He got a hold of me and Eddie"

"Oh.." Bev replied.

Stanley sighed, "Well, are you alright now at least?" Stan asked.

"Gee, yeah, we're just great, Staniel!" Richie put on a sarcastic smile.

It got quiet for a moment. . .

"W-Why'd you run off in the f-first place, Richie?" Bill asked, killing off the silence.

"um" Richie said, just standing there. So, Bill turned to Eddie instead.

"I don't know why he did, he won't tell me either!" Eddie said, getting a bit frustrated.

Stanley just looked at Richie, "Richie, what's really going on? You've been off all day! We're obviously worried about you," Stanley said.

"I-i- Nothing. Just fucking forget all of it! It's nothing" Richie said, looking down.

He wanted to tell them, but he just couldn't.

A/N: Hello-! I'm so sorry for not uploading for awhile.. I was really busy and just didn't have any motiv to write! Thanks for reading! ♡ —Ruby

Richie Tozier angstWhere stories live. Discover now