(4) Where is Richie?

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A/N: This is ones a bit shorter, sorry!! Enjoy! ♡

Richie finally came out of the bathroom, he had tried to fix his hair to look more.. presentable, I suppose.

Richie sighed, walking to his next class.
He met up with Bill.

"Hey, R-Rich, you okay now?" Bill asked, still concerned seeing the way Richie came to school.

"'M Fine, Bill" Richie lied yet again, he very far from fine. He was tired, he'd just been crying, Eddie caught him. A lot happened, really.

Bill sighed through his nose, "If y-you say so."

Richie spaced the entire class, just fidgeting again like when Stanley caught on to him. He was hoping Stanley or Eddie wouldn't tell the others, but he didn't really say not to, he just kind of kept it in.

After another, fidgety, spacey class, it was lunch.

The losers were all sitting at a table together. Ben, Beverly, and Mike on one side, and Stanley, Bill, Eddie, and Richie on the other.

Richie didn't bring lunch today, so he just sat there, fidgeting of course.

"Hey, Richie, where's your lunch?" Beverly asked sweetly.

"Yeah, Rich, where is it?" Eddie added on.

"Didn't bring any, but I'm not hungry anyway," Richie said not looking up at them.

Stanley kept side-eyeing Richie throughout lunch.
Richie didn't make jokes, Richie didn't comment, Richie didn't laugh.

Now, everyone knew SOMETHING was wrong with their trashmouth.

Richie was fidgeting with the table when Eddie put a his hand on Richie's shoulder, would made him jump a bit. "Are you really okay, Rich?" Eddie asked, concerned.

Richie didn't want Eddie's pity, he just wanted Eddie. "How many times do I have to tell you guys I'm fine?!?" Richie said getting up and running off.

"Want me to go after him?" Stanley asked Eddie.

"No, I'll get him. Thanks Stan," Eddie said, getting up and running after Richie.

Eddie thought Richie was going to the bathroom, but it took him by surprise when he wasn't there..

Where is Richie?

A/N: Hmmm, wonder where Richie is— Anyway, sorry it's shorter- ♡ —Ruby

Richie Tozier angstWhere stories live. Discover now