(3) I need help.

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Eddie walked into the bathroom, where Richie was crying.

"..Hello? Is someone in here?" Eddie called out, hearing their/Richie's cries.

"Is someone crying? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Eddie called out again, but Richie tried his best to stay quiet.

Until finally, Richie just started crying again, he couldn't hold it anymore.

"Obviously someone's in here! If you just admit, I can help," Eddie called out for the last time.

"E-Eddie.." Richie whispered out.

Eddie walked over to the stall Richie was in, "Did you say something?" Eddie asked.

Richie stayed quiet for a moment. "Mhm," Richie hummed.

Eddie knew this voice, but it was mumbled due to their crying. "Sorry, but do I know-know you?.. You sound familiar, it's just hard to make it out," Eddie asked, concerned but questioned.

"Ri.." Richie stopped himself, he didn't exactwant Eddie to see him like this.

Then it hit Eddie, "Richie?. Is that you-?!" Eddie said panicking.

"E-Eddie.." Richie stood up and un-locked the stall, he didn't wanna be alone anymore.

Eddie took no time to hug Richie, "What's wrong? What happened?! Are you okay, are you hurt?!" Eddie panicked again, worried for Richie. He'd never really seen him cry.

Richie didn't answer, he just hugged Eddie and sobbed into his shoulder. Richie wanted to tell Eddie, he just couldn't.

He was scared to do so. What if someone found out? What if his Father didn't get arrested? What if he was able to hurt Richie again?

Richie didn't want any of that, he wanted his parents to just go to jail and stay there forever. Where maybe he could be happy and tell Eddie how he feels and not have to worry about consequences.

And just maybe, Eddie'd like him back.

That would make Richie happy. He's wanted to be with Eddie for so long, and the thought he might have a chance made his heart skip and flutter. He loved it.

Richie sniffled, "I'm sorry, Eddie," Richie said brokenly.

"Don't be sorry, Rich. It's okay to cry. I just wish you'd answer me" Eddie said soothingly.

"Y-You should get going, class has probably s-started already.." Richie didn't want Eddie to go, he wanted to just hug Eddie forever.

Eddie sighed at that. "I guess you're right. But if you need me, you know what to do, right?" Eddie asked, concerned.

"Yes, I do Eds." Richie said, trying to crack a joke to take his mind off everything.

Eddie pinched the bridge of his nose, "Good. We'll talk later, Rich" Eddie said walking out of the bathroom.

"Yeah.. later," Richie mumbled.

A/N: So sorry it's kinda short, I really tried with this one. I'm really trying to do better on that– ♡ —Ruby

Richie Tozier angstWhere stories live. Discover now