(7) I can't remember to forget you.

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A/N: I'm so sorry for the delay of this chapter! I've been busy and have been thinking of this chapter for awhile. Also, yes, the title is from a song.
"W̶i̶t̶h̶ T̶e̶q̶u̶i̶l̶a̶ a̶n̶d̶ S̶h̶a̶k̶i̶r̶a̶, y̶o̶u̶ c̶a̶n̶ d̶o̶ a̶n̶y̶t̶h̶i̶n̶g̶"/j̶

Richie just finished getting ready to meet up with the losers, and was now outside getting on his bike.

At first it was a bit hard for him to ride it fully, as he still felt a bit cramped up from being in the small cupboard, but he managed.

Richie held a steady pace, looking and watching everything around him making sure he didn't see or bump into.. a certain someone.

Richie finally reached the clubhouse, a but anxious to go in. Richie still didn't really look like himself, and was nervous the losers might catch on.

Richie took a deep breath and went in.

Everyone looked at him when he came in.
Everyone gave him a small wave or 'hi'.

Richie went over to the hammock and sat there reading a comic.

Stanley eyed him from where he was sitting. He knew there was still something wrong with Richie, and he was practically itching to know what it was.

Richie saw this, but didn't pay too much attention to it.

Then, Eddie was in on it too. He walked over to Richie.

"Hey, Rich. Can you scoot?" Eddie asked.

"I guess," Richie replied, scooting the best he could.

Eddie climbed in with him, barely hanging in there with Richie.

Eddie stared at Richie for the longest, but finally snapped, "Okay, just tell me what the fuck is going on, Richie! And I want the TRUTH," Eddie said, growing more eager to know.

Stanley was listening in, but didn't let the others know that.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Eds?—"

"YES, YOU FUCKING DO!" Eddie cut Richie off.

Everyone looked over at them, except Stan. He already knew what was pretty much gonna go down.

"No, I don't, spaghetti. And, I didn't sit here, hell, come here to be yelled at.." Richie trailed off.

"Richie, just tell us, please! We don't like seeing you like this-!" Eddie said, begging at this point.

"Ugh, you're just saying that, Eddie! Why can't you just leave it alone, huh?!?" Richie snapped back.

Stanley finally had enough. So, he stood up and walked over to Eddie and Richie.

Stanley pocked Richie's arm, signaling him to follow him.

Richie slowly got up, and followed Stan.

Stan went out of the clubhouse, as Richie followed behind.

Stan sighed. "Richie, tell me what's going on, you've been so different and distant lately." Stan asked, wanting a true response.

"..Why can't you all just leave that alone?." Richie asked.

"Because we care about you! We're your friends, Richi—"

"WELL, MAYBE I DON'T WANT YOU AS MY FUCKING FRIENDS ANYMORE!" Richie snapped, not really meaning all of that.

Stan just stood there, he didn't know what to say.

Richie held his hand over his mouth. "I'm sorry, Stan!.-" Richie said as he ran off.

Stan turned around to see Richie running, he was still trying to process what was just said.

Stan stood there for a minute, then went back inside the clubhouse.

Once Stan got in, Eddie looked at him.
"Where's Richie?" Eddie asked.

"Richie.." (Stan said)

'I can't remember to forget you

I keep forgetting I should let you go.'

A/N: Hey everyone! Thanks for reading and for 400 views on this book! I will post another chapter soon, and might be starting a new book! I love you all! ‐Ruby ♡

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