(6) 'Home'?

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School had ended, how dreadful.

See, Richie didn't wanna go home, he wanted to stay away from it.

But, he knew he couldn't just run away or anything like that.

So, Richie walked inside the old house, he should've been able to call 'home'.

"Richard? I swear to fucking God if that's you!" Went yelled from the kitchen.

Richie just stood there, terrified.

"RICHARD, ANSWER, I KNOW ITS YOU" Went yelled, louder than before.

Richie decided to make a run for it. He ran up the stairs, to his, room, and locked the door.
Richie grabbed a chair and put in front of the door as well.

Richie threw his back-pack down, as tears just rolled down his cheeks.

Richie needed to hide if Went came in, but there isn't many places to do so as he doesn't have a lot of stuff.

A closet, too obvious.
Bathroom, obvious.
Under the bed, obvious.

So, Richie went in the bathroom and tucked himself inside the cupboards under the sink.
It was a tight squeeze, but he managed somewhat.

A minute passed, and Went was kicking down the door.


Richie just stayed tucked inside the cupboard.

Richie did NOT lock the bathroom door, so it would look like he wasn't there, when he was. But, Went doesn't need to know that.

Plus, Went was probably drunk and wouldn't think about looking in the cupboards.

Then, the door bust open in Richie's room. It made Richie flinch, but he tried to stay quiet.

"RICHARD, I SWEAR TO GOD! I KNOW YOU'RE FUCKING IN HERE, DUMB FAG" Went practically screamed, tearing Richie's room apart.

Went stepped in the bathroom just looking around, and going back out.

"I'LL FIND YOU RICHARD, JUST YOU WAIT" Went yelled, walking out of Richie's room.

Tears starting pouring out of Richie's eyes, he couldn't hold it anymore.

Then, he heard the front door slam. Richie slowly opened the cupboards and got out.

He looked around, and stepped out of the room.

Richie dropped to his knees when he saw the mess Went made.

All of his stuff knocked over, torn, ripped.

Richie just sat there and sobbed. Richie loved his room, it was his escape place. A place where he felt more safe.

But being in his room now, made him feel worse.

He just wanted Eddie now, that's all he longed for.

Yeah, the losers were comforting and somewhat helpful, but he just wanted his Eddie.

He'd risk everything just to have him there. Although, he wouldn't want Eddie getting hurt.

Richie carefully stood up as he moved his pillow to find the picture of him and Eddie underneath it, but it was gone.

Richie's heart sunk.

'What if Went found the picture and was going to hunt Eddie down?'
'What if he'd been locked in the house, never being able to see his sweet Eddie again?'
'What if..'

Richie's mind was just filled with Eddie, not caring if something really happened to himself or his 'Father'.

At this point, Richie didn't care who it was, he just wanted someone with him.
Maybe Stanley helping him like earlier, or Eddie just comforting him.

Just anyone. Richie didn't wanna be alone anymore.

And that's when the phone rang.

Richie jumped up, speed walking to the phone, praying it was Eddie or the losers.

"H-Hello?" Richie said in a rush.

"Richie! Wanna come hang out with us at the clubhouse?" Bev said on the other end of the phone.

Richie didn't say anything at first. He really wanted to go, but he didn't want anyone seeing him like this.

"Um.. sure. What time?"

"How about like 6? We can pick you up on the way" Bev said.

"Uh, no, it's okay. I might be a bit late, but I'll be there, okay?" Richie replied, a little sheepish.

"Okay then. See ya later Richie" Bev said as she hung up.

Richie sighed, putting the phone down.

He was glad he'd said he was coming late, he needed to get himself together before then.

But oh how he longed to see his Eddie. He really hoped Eddie would be there.

Richie went back upstairs, into his bathroom, trying to fix his hair.

He honestly couldn't wait to go, he just looked a mess.


Hello! Thanks for reading! Can't believe this book has over 300 views- Thank you all so much! Another chapter will hopefully be out soon!! ♡ —Ruby

Richie Tozier angstWhere stories live. Discover now