Chapter 14

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-Odette's POV-

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-Odette's POV-

My eyes welled up. He kissed my forehead soothingly. "I'm guessing you heard?" I asked. He nodded. I sighed as I looked down. Jasper put his hand under my chin and lifted my face. He looked into my eyes. "I love you. I don't care who your family is. I will always love you" Jasper answered as I smiled.

"What happened to James?" I asked as he removes his hand. "He's been taken care of" I nodded. "What about Victoria?" "Victoria, she ran off." I looked down again. "Why are you so sad Darlin?" Jasper asked me. "I know her mate tried to kill me and Bella but... I kinda want to get to know her more" I told him.

Jasper's eye held confusion yet love for my companion. "She did leave you something" I looked at him as he pointed to the small red box, with a 'V' on top, next to me. I quickly grabbed it and opened it. Inside was a necklace with the Sutherland Chest.

 Inside was a necklace with the Sutherland Chest

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(Pretend. You can make one up if you want)
My eyes widened as I looked at the necklace. I picked up the note that was on it. 'I hope you like it. It will remind you about your family. I know we haven't met fully. But I thought I would get you something for you since James hurt you. Don't worry about me. I'll be okay' I smiled at the note as I put the necklace on.

"I'm never taking this off" Jasper chuckled at me. I closed my eyes with relief that she was okay, then looked at him. "Thanks for saving me," I sighed. "You're in here because of me," Jasper corrected me. "If it wasn't for Jay and Christine, you would have died."

I could tell seeing my wounds cause him pain. He stroked my face. "The worst of it... was thinking I couldn't stop," Jasper sighed. "But you did," I reminded him. "Odette, we shouldn't be together," Jasper asked. "Jasper, no," I shook my head. "You said it yourself, we can't help it. We can't help it if we fell in love with each other. I won't let you leave me like that."

"Sssh. It's alright. I'm not going anywhere. I'm right here...," Jasper told me as he sat next to me, wrapping his arm around me.

-one month later-

Bella and I were back home when Alice got us ready. At a picnic table, Christine and Jay were making some s'mores. Charlie cleaned a fish with a big knife. Edward and Jasper waited awkwardly near their cars, dressed in an elegant suits. But even calm Edward was unnerved by Charlie's glare.

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