Wendy's Farewell

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"Silence all!" Captain Hook ordered, "For Wendy's farewell!"

Wendy looked over at her beloved Peter Pan, tears in her eyes. She adjusted her body to so she could rest her head on his shoulder. 

"Peter," She whispered, choking back a sob, "I'm sorry I must grow up. But, this is yours...." Wendy tried to cup his face but was stopped as Captain Hook roughly grabbed her wrist and pulled her up. "'Tis just a thimble." She meekly told him as he glared at her.

Captain Hook scoffed. "How like a girl!" He sneered, the ships company laughing in agreement. He pulled Wendy close, too close, and mocked her by saying "By all means my beauty, give Peter Pan your precious thimble." He reluctantly released her wrist.

Wendy looked at the boy and sighed, prepared to part with her prized possession. Peter looked back at her, not sure what she was doing, but was too heartbroken to care. Not even the pain from the slit in his head could message to the aching of his heart for Captain Hook's words.

"This belongs to you...." She whispered, leaning over him, her warm breath tickling his cheek, "and always will." She slowly sat up, just enough to gently place her hand on his cheek, then smiled shyly. Once again she leaned in close to him, only this time she closed her eyes, turned her head, and gently placed her lips against his.

Peter also closed his eyes, only to open them after half a second of releasing what Wendy was doing. A sweet sparkle radiated throughout his entire body, a beautiful, magical joy unlike any of the fairy dust he had ever seen.

Captain Hook and the Lost Boys gasped at the sight, some faces twisted in confused while others smiled in surprise. Tinkerbell squeaked, her heart overflowing with happiness for her friend.

Wendy soon lifted her head, the warmth from Peter's soft lips disappearing slightly, yet not completely. She gazed at him sweetly, genuine love shining through her eyes.

"That was no thimble," John stated, shaking his head, no longer caring that he was held by a pirate.

"That, was her hidden kiss," Michael told the pirate holding him, smiling proudly.

Just then, thunder began rumbling and when looking up, it appeared that the northern light and stars all seemed to be surrounding the top of the Jolly Roger. In a crazed state of fear, Captain Hook grabbed Wendy and roughly forced her to stand up. She gasped.

Peter looked at her, then grinned. Not only that but he smiled, to rather he beamed. He had never ever once in life felt more joy than he had before. No other time had he felt this level of sheer bliss. This amount of euphoria and ecstasy. His eyes sparkled a beautiful blissful blue and as his face revealed his great happiness it went pink with joy.

Captain Hook drops a joyful Wendy and straightens up, his face muddled with disbelief. Wendy beams, her face almost perfectly matching the level of joy her and her beloved Peter shared.

"Brace yourselves lads," Slightly warned, squirming away from the pirate and backing up slowly.

"'Tis a powerful thing," Tootles said in a sing-song way, eyeing the sky and backing away.

"Pan!" Captain Hook gasped, his voice dripping with annoyance and confusion, "You're, pink!"

Peter's face began to sparkle, his whole body experiencing an overload of the seventh heaven. He was in paradise, and while he might not have always known what love was, currently, he knew exactly what he felt, especially toward one beautiful young girl. A girl he was going to save and return to the place she belonged.

All the pirates released the children they were holding and gathered around to watch the magical boy. Tinkerbell dashed up to the bell and rang it, taking cover in its mighty brass cover. One by one, the Lost Boys hit the deck, covering their ears and ducking their heads.

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