I do believe in fairies!

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Mary Annamaija had always loved mermaids, and the fact that she had now become one, was amazing.

Her shaggy brown hair had become straight and red, and she had been completely transformed. At one moment she was a mainland human girl, wearing a lot of makeup and a beautiful costume, but then, the first song of the musical began, and the earth shifted. She was no longer wearing a costume, she was no longer backstage of the school theater, she was swimming in the waters of Neverland, and doing it perfectly, as if she had done this all her life.

"Now mermaids," Mary heard Ms. J narrated, "are not as they are in storybooks. They are dark creatures, in touch with all things mysterious."

Mary listened as Steve played his panflute, then absentmindedly began moving gracefully toward where Steve and, Ada no, not Ada (ugh, what a name), Wendy were.

"If Hook had captured Wendy's brothers, the mermaids would know," Ms. J finished. Mary moved a little faster as Steve, no, Peter finished playing the song on his pan flute. Steve. What an odd name. It was as if she had never heard him being called that, and he was only ever known as Peter.

"Oh, how sweet!" Wendy called. Peter turned and gave her a stern look. "Are mermaids not sweet?" Wendy asked, genuinely confused.

"They'll sweetly drown you if you get too close," Peter explained simply, as Mary took another big motion, getting closer.

She moved gracefully, before pulling up from the water and making eye contact with Wendy, clicking to the other mermaids. She carefully and silently reached out one of her hands to place it lightly on Wendy's hand, giving her a hypnotic look. Wendy smiled, fully in a trance as Mary pulled her into the water until Peter hissed at Mary, who hissed in response and swam away quickly, the other girls following suit.

"Hook has your brothers," Peter said to Wendy, turning to look at the dark building some feet from them, "At the Black Castle!"

Time passed since then, days, perhaps weeks before Peter returned to speak with her. This time she had some new information for him, of the new female pirate aboard the Jolly Roger. How interested he seemed puzzled her.

Mary's heart and mind were in a buzz, unsure of her surroundings anymore. So much time had passed, and as the days went on, the more real everything felt. She was truly a mermaid now, and she was living in the mysterious waters of Neverland. She was a magical, yet dark creature, with much information to share. She couldn't say she didn't enjoy it, but every time her mind told her to accept where and who she was, she felt her heart tell her something different.

She remembered Tinkerbell. She remembered how the other mermaids despised Tinkerbell, and all the fairies, even though Mary was secretly in love with Tink. She had been for many years, and the thought of forever being like this haunted her. The thought of losing not only Tink but the life on the mainland.

The life she once had. On the mainland, Mary wasn't a mermaid, she was just a girl, but she at once liked that. She was a girl with an amazing girlfriend, with an accepting family, with wonderful friends, about to graduate from an amazing school. She was going to be a marine biologist, and Tink was going to be an engineer (on the mainland she might've been Ulsa, but in Mary's heart, she would always be Tink) And they would be married, and have a family of their own. May loved being a mermaid, but she longed for her mainland life.

That's when she understood. Mary, possibly in another life in the magical past, had been a mermaid of Neverland, but now, in this life, she wanted to be Mary of the Mainland. That's all she wanted, that's all she really longed for.

Mary swam as hard and fast as she could. She needed to find the crocodile. On the Mainland, the crocodile was a boy, Spike, and a friend of hers. Perhaps, she could convince Spike to help her end this spell. She knew it was magic that was holding them to Neverland. It wasn't a curse, but the true blessing was to go back to the Mainland. Neverland was, and would always be Home, but it wasn't time yet to come Home.

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