Many (many) years later.....

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When Ada Charmant first heard of NGU High, she didn't know just how much one simple school would change her life. She didn't know how much her decisions that day would affect her future.

"Which outfit to wear?" Ada asked herself the morning of her first day of ninth grade. She was debating between two lovely outfits, but then she decided on a flowing min-length pale blue skirt with a lace pattern and a pearl white T-shirt, a shirt her mom used to wear.

"Ha! Hand-me-downs!" Ada's brother Anchor laughed from Ada's doorway. He smirked at her then ran as she jumped around the corner and tackled her brother in the middle of the corridor.

"Say uncle! Say uncle!" Ada ordered as Anchor squirmed underneath her.

When he didn't comply, she threw a punch at him, which Anchor dodged, then slapped her on the cheek. Ada grabbed Anchor's hand and forced him to slap himself, then punched him on his other cheek. Anchor kicked his legs around wildly, but Ada pinned him to the floor.

"Say Uncle!" she demanded, tightening her grip on his wrists. Anchor growled in defiance at her, so she slapped him again.

Anchor was much taller than Ada, a whopping 5' 8" next to his 5' 1" sister, and quite strong, yet not as strong as the girl he was fighting. His light brown eyes stared at Ada, then at his wrists, which were aching immensely. He knew it would hurt his pride, but the poor boy had an exceptionally low pain tolerance.

"Uncle! Uncle!" Anchor squeaked out, prying Ada's hands off his wrists. Both the kids knew she wouldn't hurt him, but an angry Charmant is nothing to be played with.

"Ha! Gonna make fun of my clothes now?" Ada hissed, standing up and crossing her arms. Anchor stuck his tongue out at her.

"You are wearing nothing but lame hand-me-downs and probably dirty drawers!" Anchor snickered, but then wisely ran down the stairs as his sister charged down the hallway.

Their house was small but open, and just enough room for a fourteen-year-old boy to retreat from his almost fifteen-year-old sister as she tried to ram him into something. The brunette boy whirled around the kitchen table and raced back up the stairs, still not losing his sister.

Anchor dashed into Ada's room and slid under her bed. He watched as the small feet of Satan appeared and started walking around the room looking for him. Finally, the feet walked back to the desk, and the human they were attached to continued to get ready for school.

"How am I supposed to do my hair?" Ada wondered aloud. Anchor poked his head out from under the bed as he watched his sister brush out her mess of light brown hair. She then carefully started combing through it, unbraiding the fifty tiny strands of hair from the night before. The braids gave her beautiful waves in her long hair, which she admired contently in the mirror.

Anchor took this moment to make his getaway and yet was still stopped by Ada.

"Going somewhere?" Ada smirked at her brother. Anchor looked into the crystal blue eyes of Ada, then screamed. Ada tackled him to shut him up, but soon their mother appeared in the doorway to find her daughter throttling her son. Bell watched them roll around on the floor for a good minute.

"Uncle! Uncle!" Anchor screamed, and Ada finally let him go. Bell looked at the two kids then sighed.

"Anchor, go back to your room. Ada, finish getting ready for school." Bell hissed at the kids, annoyed with the routine fighting.

Anchor dashed out of the room as Ada fired a glare at him. He stuck his tongue out at her but then retreated not to anger the devil anymore.

Ada slipped on her light blue Vans shoes, grabbed her ocean blue backpack, and then ran outside. She skipped breakfast as usual and after giving her dad a quick hug, she jumped in her mom's car.

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