Jungle School

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A/N: Welcome lovely readers, how are enjoying this? Just a quick tip, bold and italics means American Sign Language, or ASL. Oh, and the Hunter in this story has nothing to do with the Hunter from HH or HH2, I merely like the name. Just thought I'd make that clear. Anyway, back to the story!!

Aaya Flor wasn't your typical girl, not in the least.

She was born on a boat and was raised as a boat girl of a sort. She never said "left" or "right", it was always "port" or "starboard". She never said "yes", only ever "aye" or "aye aye". She always knew she was weird, and not just because from the beginning Chief had told her she was a redskin.

"The term redskins," Chief had told her starting from when she was really young, "came from the executions. The Wasicu would shoot our people in the head, and their blood would flow down, turning their skin red like blood. Wasicu are evil men. They want our blood."

Aaya hadn't believed the Chief at first, but soon she knew the truth. The Wasicu were an evil race. They were destroying the land and the seas. Their evil against the world had brought terrible diseases, and one had stolen Aaya's mother, the chieftess, during the birth of what would be Aaya's sister, Eagle.

But Eagle would never hear the great earth. After the Chieftess died, Eagle stopped hearing. She couldn't hear sense, and the Chief had loathed her because. Aaya and Eagle were the youngest in the Flor family, and the least loved. The Chief loved Aaya's five older brothers, but not her or Eagle. And because of that, Aaya didn't love the Chief.

And the fact that the Chief sent her to a jungle school for senior high didn't help anything. 

First day of school at NGU Aaya turned to Eagle for some advice on her outfit. Eagle might be deaf, but she's amazing with fashion. Before long, the girls had fixed together a lovely mix of a pair of camo cargo shorts and a white T-shirt with a feather pattern. Aaya never wore any makeup, but Eagle helped her re-apply band-aids on her legs, arms, and the one cut on her chin.

"Honestly Aaya," Eagle chuckled lightly while she signed, "You look like you lost a fight with an angry cat!" Aaya laughed and scratched the band-aid under her chin.

"Eagle, I'm worried," Aaya sighed, "This is the first year we're not going to be at the same school, and I'm worried about what's going to happen."

"Puh-lease, like you have to worry about me. You might have lost the fight, but I'd win!" Eagle smiled. Aaya laughed.

"You always were tougher than me," Aaya smiled, "Just, remember, if you need anything, anything at all, just call me. You know I'm always here for you." Aaya grabbed Eagle's hands and squeezed them. Eagle smiled and squeezed Aaya's hands, then let go.

"And I'm here for you too! C'mon girl, I might be deaf, but I know you have an amazing voice!" Eagle snickered, "Heck, maybe you can join some sort of a music program at your school. One with cute boys~" Eagle winked and Aaya rolled her eyes.

"Dude, I sang for you once, and you don't even like hearing aids. Also, with a family like this, what boy will want to date me? Plus, most boys are Wasicu." Aaya huffed. Eagle shook her head but smiled. The girls didn't need sign language to know what Eagle was trying to tell her.

Man up and get a man dude!

"Oh, man! I'm gonna be late!" Aaya gasped, looking at the clock on the wall, "I love you so much, but I gotta go!" Aaya hugged Eagle tightly, grabbed her backpack, ran a hand through her unruly short dark brown hair, and then ran out the door and down the street toward NGU High.

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