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Jason Flor knew his stupid little sister was gonna invade his school. And he was not happy about it.

Ever since their mother died, Jason had to take over of a sort. The Chief was a drunken madman and knew nothing of running the ship or raising Jason and his brothers and sisters. It was really Aaya and Eagle's fault the Chieftess died. Aaya wanted a little sister, and the Chieftess died giving birth to that little sister, Eagle.

Jason was the eldest, and following him were two sets of twins, who went to a different school for nerds, er, gifted people. He liked going to NGU High all by himself. He had friends, a reputation, and life at NGU, but now it was all crashing down. Aaya, the stupid little girl who ruined everyone's lives, would be coming to his school. The world really was evil.

"Listen up Aaya," Jason told her early the morning of the first day of school, "This is my senior year! It's important to me! Don't tell anyone we're related, or else bad things are going to happen!" He threatened. Aaya growled and scoffed at him.

"Fine," She snapped. She opened her mouth to say something else, but Jason had already left the room. He didn't have time for her sass today.

He had to go to school early and set up to be a mentor to someone. It was a tradition at NGU, and he was really. He was even sure to tell Bucky, his best friend, that he was ready because Bucky did not look ready.

"Of course, I'm not ready! I'm worried dude!" Bucky whined. He was never good with other people, and Jason always tried to help.

"I got you, dude. It's gonna be alright." Jason assured, patting Bucky on the back.

"Man, I just got dude-zoned!" Bucky joked, squeezing Jason's hand. Jason blushed bright red.

"Hey, we've been over this, not in public!" Jason hissed, "People will see!" Bucky laughed and intertwined his fingers with Jason's.

"There's no one around!" He said, "And I'm not about to let you start the year without a proper greeting!" Jason sighed and looked around. They were completely alone, so he smiled.

"Okay," He nodded, "What's a proper greeting?"

Bucky rolled his eyes, smiled, and then pecked Jason on the lips lightly. Jason blushed and smiled.

"Thanks," He smiled. Just then, a car pulled up outside the school. A girl walked out of it. Jason looked at Bucky. "Dibs!" He called, then ran toward the girl. Bucky laughed and shook his head.

Jason ran his mouth non-stop talking to the girl, Ada. She was quiet and definitely a Wasicu, but she was pretty one might guess. She was kind too, even greeting Aaya when she made her grand entrance into Mrs. J's class. Poor Bucky was stuck with her as his mentor. At least it was only for one day.

And yet somehow, by some miracle, Aaya showed up to the auditions for Peter Pan Jr.

Seriously? Jason was nervous enough without his little sister showing him up. She doesn't even sing! And who was that boy she was with? He looked Wasicu, which was even weirder. Aaya hated Wasicu more than Jason did! This was not right!

Jason tried distracting himself from his evil sister by studying the room around him. It was a beautiful second-hand theater, with about fifty rows of chairs on the first level, then maybe about twenty rows on the balcony. It was indoors but still filled with plants, making the black-painted stage seem so out of place and ugly. The curtains were a sparkling night sky, beautiful and perfect for the theme of Peter Pan.

Jason sighed as a Wasicu boy began the song. Luckily for him, it was a song he knew. Soon four kids were up on the balcony, including his menti Ada, and his friends Ulsa and Mary. The Wasicu boy was Steve from College Readiness 03, and Ada seemed to like him.

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