A Winter's Ball

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If you could marry a sister
Your rich son
Is it a question of if, Burr
Or which one?

It was hot. Scorching. Smoke was literally radiating off the sidewalk. So why was it called the winter's ball?

I was wearing the dress Theodosia let me try on and regretting every minute of it.

"Lady Jordyn, stop lifting your skirt." Burr says from beside me swatting my hand.

"It's hot as balls in here. When is AC gonna be created?"

"Your tongue is so off putting."

"I bet if I was Theodosia you wouldn't have a problem with my tongue." I chuckle cutting my eyes to Burr who chokes on his drink.


"- just friends, so you've been telling me."

Burr clears his throat, "The Schuyler Sisters are here." He sits his drink on a near table and straightens his tux. "Behave."

"I'm not an animal, Burr. I'm not going to just walk up and start humping their leg...maybe just Angelica's, Eliza's and Peggy" I laugh.

Burr cuts me a look that I can't help but to respond with a smile. It was easy to annoy him. He was like a big brother that I always wanted.

Oooh I do I do I doooo.
The beginning of Helpless. Spot light. Chimes. Secret glances. Romance.
A tap on the shoulder...wait. I turn to see Lafayette he bows and extends for my hand.

"Mademoiselle, satisfy me with one dance."
"I'm pretty sure you won't be satisfied with just one dance." I say taking his hand and allowing him to lead me to the dance floor. And again I attempt to follow along to choreography that I would rather watch from the sideline.

Lafayette spins me in his arms. My back is against his chest. We grind. His cool breath tickles the back of my neck. His strong arms glides down my arms, around my hips and lands on my thighs.

My heart went BOOM. Among other things. I turn not able to contain the feeling of wanting to kiss him.
Before our lips could meet we are pulled apart.

"It's a wedding!" A ensemble cast member yells. Damn. Time jump through song! The chimes of the wedding chorus.
I watch as Lafayette walks down the aisle with Peggy. He whispers something in her ear that sends a stabbing chilling feeling in my chest. I grab for a champagne bottle. Pop the cork and swig it down. He was a flirt. He was French. And this isn't real.

Even though I know I should look away. Occupy my time with something else. I continue to watch as Lafayette grabs a female ensemble spins her, kiss her hand. She giggles. I'm on the verge of vomiting.

"Why so glum? Not a fan of weddings?" Burr smirking obviously reveling in someone else being miserable just as much as he is.

"I could ask you the same. Theo wasn't interested in being your plus one?"

"Whatever you think you may know-"

"Save it. I don't care. And neither will her husband. Nothing matters in this world because it's not real." It's not real. This is all a dream and if Divergent taught me anything or Nightmare on Elm street(or any film where dreams happen) I can control what I dream. And before I wake I'm going to kiss the hell out of Lafayette ( this Hamilton version of Lafayette)

The room spins. Or maybe I spin. Champagne in the 1700s is way stronger than the stuff they serve in our time.

Raise a glass to the newly not poorly of us

Time jump and drunk don't mix. I grab for the wall to steady myself.
The Story of Tonight- Reprise. I missed Satisfied (one of the best songs in the damn play if you ask me)
Alexander. Mulligan. Lawrence and Lafayette drink around the table discussing Alexander's new entry in wealth and capture of freedom. I watch, more so trying to keep myself from falling.

"Well I heard you gotta special someone on the side Burr," Laurence purrs, "what are you trying to hide Burr?" Mulligan and Lafayette dance around him

Burr chuckles, "I should go."

"No these guys should go." Alexander ushers the three guys away.
I straighten myself- smooth out my dress. As Lafayette comes closer he smiles.

"Hi." I slur and stumble. Lafayette catches me. My body leaning on his. I reach up and kiss him with all the strength in my body. I hear the whistles and barks from Mulligan and Laurence as everything fades.

"Maybe we should go somewhere more private, jolie?" Lafayette says trying to keep me and himself upright."

"Oui. Oui." I purr reveling in his facial hair.

As I hear the clapping and beat of Wait For It begin. The night fades.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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