Story of Tonight

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I will fight the fight
And win the war

Burr and I walked through the neighborhood. Passing carriages, men drinking ale and women selling fur. It was weird seeing all this, but oddly I felt right at home.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask trying to match Burr's stride.
"A friend of mine," he says stopping in front of a brownstone. "She can lend you some clothing that's more appropriate." Burr rattles the golden knocker on the door.

"Theodosia?" I question which causes Burr to pause. He turns to me pushing me into the wall, hand on my elbow.

"How do you-" He trails off eyeing me up and down. "What do you know?"

"Nothing." I attempt to shake him off, but his grip is too tight. "I mean just..." I trail off not knowing if I should let him know that I know he is sleeping with a married woman. What's the big deal he didn't mind singing it to Hamilton after his wedding? (Which hadn't happened yet.)

"She's a friend." Burr says with such conviction that leads me to believe I'm not the only one he's trying to convince.

"Aaron?" a meek voice comes from the door. Burr and I both turn towards the door. Theodosia, I presume in a gold bustier and flowing dress, yet you still could see she was a goddess. She kind of reminded me of Meg the Stallion.

Burr lets me go and puts on a charming smile, "Theodosia." He bows and gives her hand a kiss. Theodosia's eyes are still on me though. "This is Madame Jordyn, she's from out of town. We need your help."

"Pleasure to meet you, Jordyn." Theodosia smiles looking from me to Burr.

"Daaammmnnn." Is my response, "Nice work, Burr."

Theodosia turns to go inside, ushering us to follow. Burr turns to me and shakes his head following her.

"Is she from Texas? Is Texas even a thing? My knowledge of history isn't that good."


Dresses were never my thing. The only reason I went to prom was because my mom forced me to go. Nike slides and sweatpants were more my thing. But the dress Theodosia had me put on made me second guess everything I previously believed in. It was a blue corset ball gown that made my brown skin glow.

"This is beautiful, Theo" I say spinning and watching the bottom of the dress cascade back around my ankles, "but I can't really fight in a corset." I couldn't really fight in general, but a corset would definitely hinder my chances.

"A lady has no business in the war," Burr says with a laugh.

I fan at the idea, "I'm no lady. Now Burr lend me a pair of your pants and let's go do "Right Hand Man".



A cannon goes off. Smoke fills the air. Men and women in blue and red coats populate the harbor.

"I thought you said the war was off limits to women?" I ask turning to Burr.

"Here comes the general." He says saluting and stepping to the side for the Pride of Mt. Vernon.

George Washington.

"We are outgunned," he sings "Outmanned."

I settle into my 3D experience of the Hamilton number until one of the ensemble members pull me into the line up to complete the choreography.

"I'm more of wait in the wings kinda gal," I plead but to no avail the number continues, and I mimic poorly what everyone else is doing. I knock into a gun. Apologies. Then knock into a kick. Apologies. I scramble to the ground crawling for cover. A pair of boots.

"What are you doing?" a French accent says from above.

I smile, "I dropped my...gun." Lafayette helps me up shielding me from the craziness happening around us.

"You're in Hamilton" He laughs which makes my lady parts go wonky. From the curls, to his perfectly white teeth, the facial hair, his arms. Sweet lucifer, I want to jump his bones. "...fight."

"Whaa?" I say realizing he's been talking the whole time. "I'm Jordyn. Ms. Reynolds if you're nasty. No relation."

"Nasty?" Lafayette repeats, lifting my hand to give it a kiss. "Are you familiar with the French tongue?"

"I'm not but I'm always up for a lesson." I say standing on my toes to close the gap between us.

"Jordyn!" Burr shouts, he's angry. Lafayette and I push away from eachother. Lafayette runs off to join the ensemble.

"What'd you do that for?"

"We're here to fight," He says pulling me to join the ensemble as well, "You can't be a distraction."

"And his right-hand man!" Washington shouts taking a step to the side presenting Hamilton.


I applaud whooping and hollering. This was the best I've ever seen "Right Hand Man" performed especially with behind the scenes with Lafayette.

"Soldier!" Washington shouts again focused on me, "Control yourself, there is no clapping in war."

"Are you kidding me?" I say, "Ya'll just put on an entire Broadway number and my clapping is where you draw the line?"

"A Broad what?" Washington questions stepping to me.

"My apologies, General" Burr says grabbing me by the elbow, "I'll keep her in line." Washington and the ensemble leave.

"Sorry you didn't get promoted."

"How did you-" Burr says letting me go, "Who are you?"

I smile, "No time to explain, we have a Ball to get ready for." I leave heading back to Theodosia's.

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