Part 5

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Khao was rushing to the hospital with tears running down his face. He  reached the reception and asked for information about first and they told we dont have anyone named first admitted,  khao became furious and shouted at them, stating, how can you be this irresponsible not knowing the emergency patient brought in.
Then he asked where is the emergency ward and ran there with mixed thoughts running in his mind.

Once he reached there, he saw a person like First standing . Since he was crying his vision was blurred but he could still identify it was first. He ran to run and hugged him crying like a baby. Khao was telling first that" i thought something bad happened to you  and how i will survive without you , why the hell you will lose/leave your mobile everywhere leaving me clueless of whats happening with you,  i was scared , scared like hell , dont ever leave me in situations like this "

First was admiring every single word came out of khaos mouth , he know that he is important to khao but these words made him feel like he is in heaven.He was very happy seeing khao pouring his love towards first.
First cupped khaos face and slowly carressed his face and then he kissed khao's forehead. First  said "Khao i know we have been friends  for a long time and i treasure each and every moment i stayed with you , i know i talk a lot and its annoying to many thats why i dont have many close friends  but you heard and listened every single thing i spoke and we have been through a lot , its natural for anybody falling in love with you and i am no exception , i love you  khao ❤️ and i have alwas been thankful to you ", as usual when it comes to khao , first becomes emotional everytime and tears already welled up in his eyes and streaming down his face.

Khao was overwhelmed with happiness and he has never been this happy in his lifetime. For him, first has always been his love and he is that pure soul whom anyone cannot get that easily. He always thought first should never be around this toxic world , first has always been an angel , a guardian angel in his life and he can never leave him for anyone. Khao kissed the hand of first which cupped his face and said "i know i cannot love you  more than you love me but first you are one i always loved and will love in the future as well , i know future is unpredictable but i can atleast predict myself correctly ,can you be with me forever "

Both were looking at each other eyes with their eyes saying that they were the world to them 😍

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