Chapter one.

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Niragi's POV:
I open my eyes to the sound of girls laughing, what time is it?? It's fucking 4 in the morning, these dumb ass bitches..

I get up putting on some pants zipping the zipper grabbing my gun opening my door. "What the hell are you girls doing making all of that noise?" They pause looking at my tattoos as one of them steps up. "We're so sorry Niragi! We won't do it again!" She says bowing at me, weirdos. "Go before Hatter spots the two of you." I say as they run away.

I walk back inside my room closing the door behind me placing my gun on my bed as I open my window looking out at the pool seeing a familiar person there, found someone to bother, I grab my gun jumping out of my room falling onto the ground, ow.

"What are you doing up this early?" "I could ask you the same thing, I didn't know you had the balls to jump off the highest floor all the way down here, I must be special." He says tilting his head with his smirk on his face as his eyes go wide. "Up because these two girls wanted to bother me so, why are you up?" He looks down answering. "Couldn't sleep, bad dream." "Pussy." I say laughing walking up to him pulling his hood down.

"Okay fine, I came down here so I could smoke a cigarette." "We have a meeting today, and you wanna smoke? "Oh you're smarter then I thought." I point my gun at his head as he gives me that stupid smirk of his. "You get on my nerves y'know?" I say pushing him. "What was that for?" "For being annoying." "You're the one that jumped off the highest floor to see me, that's kinda gay." "Ew, I'm not a fag." I say laying down on one of the pool chairs.

He studies my body smirking. "And why exactly don't you have a shirt on?" "I just woke up, you don't have a shirt on either anyway." "How do you know that?" "Isn't it obvious?" "You're right, my mistake." He says stepping closer to the pool. I tilt my head looking inside seeing Hatter standing there, fuck.

Chishiya's POV:
His eyes go wide looking at me, I'm guessing Hatter's behind me. "What are you two doing out here so late." I turn around seeing him having his arms crossed. "I was out here before Niragi, if that helps." "Niragi escort him to his room, after that come see me." Great.

Niragi gets up putting his gun on his shoulder walking up to me grabbing my wrist tightly dragging me inside. "Not even a thank you? Wow." I say as the elevator opens walking in he lets go of me. "Tell me why you were really out there." Oh fuck.

"I'd rather not." "Tell me or I'll blow your fucking head off." He says stepping closer to me as the elevator door opens. "Oh look there's my room, bye." I say walking away as he follows me grabbing my arm. "Answer me goddammit." "Okay okay, it was a dream, seriously." "Tell me what the dream was about." "Why do you wanna know??" "Just tell m-" "Niragi, leave him alone." "Seriously?" "I'll tell Hatter and Aguni." "Fine Fine," He says letting go of me. "You're lucky she saved you." He whispers walking into the elevator licking his lips.

"What'd you do to get him attached to you?" "Hatter found me and him outside." "What were you two doing outside?" "I was there first, he jumped off his floor to bother me." "That's homosexual." "That's what I said." "I'll see you at the meeting Chishiya." She says walking into her room, the second girl that's normal, I really should thank her, Ann's the only serious girl, besides Kuina.

I walk to my room opening the door closing it behind me flopping onto my bed, I can't help but think about my dream, if I tell him what is he gonna say?? Who would dream about THAT, absolutely not me. Maybe I should tell Kuina first, she'll give me advice.

I unzip my jacket taking off my shoes turning off the lamp wrapping my blanket around me looking at my closet doors, slowly closing my eyes as every thing goes black.

Niragi's POV:
I shoot the wine glass as it shatters. "Quit doing that, why were you out there with Chishiya." "Wanted to bother him that's all, he had a bad dream so he came out there to clear his head." "Here's your job now, you're gonna watch him until I say you can stop." "What?" "Death to all traitors is the second rule, if you love him you'd make sure he wouldn't turn on us." Love him??

"Who said I loved him." "It seems to me you've been having your eyes on him for a while now, I've noticed at meetings, this time you and him won't be coming, we don't need you for this meeting anyway." "What??" "Dismissed," He says facing the window, more sleep for me I guess. "Don't think about going to your room, remember why I brought you here." Never mind.

I get up dragging my gun against the floor as I leave the room heading into the elevator going to Chishiya's level, the elevator opens as I go to his door opening it, unlocked? Fucking crazy. I walk in closing the door behind me seeing him sleeping, cute.

I place my gun onto the floor locking the door walking up to him bending down seeing him smile. "Caught you." "Why are you even in my room?" He whispers yawning. "We aren't going to the meeting anymore." "What? Why?" "He didn't tell me why, but looks like I'm gonna take care of you until I'm told to stop." "There's no way he actually said that." He says sitting up as I see no jacket on him, fuck.

"He did." I say looking away. "Surprised?" "No, I could see your collarbone before." "But not my whole chest." "I'm not gay but like, you got a perfect body." "Yeah?" "Yeah." I say as he smiles. "Out of all tattoos why that one." He says looking down. "What's wrong with it?" "It's just so gorey, is that the only thing you think about? Death?" "No." I say sitting on the edge of the bed.

He sits next to me opening his mouth but not saying anything. "Are you afraid, of anything?" He says turning to me. "Not that I know of." "Not even death?" "Mm, no." "I know what I'm scared of." "What?" "The afterlife." He says turning away. "I never thought about the afterlife." "Do you think there's a heaven and hell?" "If there is, I'm going straight to hell." I say as he laughs putting his head on my shoulder.

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