Chapter twenty five.

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Chishiya's POV:
I open my mouth as I start talking, "First, Arisu will infiltrate the royal suite. Then he'll search for the safe and steal all the playing cards inside." "And how do I get the code?" "Don't worry about that. I'll let you know when you're in front of the safe." I say passing him a Walkie-Talkie. "I sure hope you're right. I'm on it." He says grabbing it. "Usagi and Kuina will be in the lookout." I say placing more on the glass table. "This is too dangerous, They'll kill us if they see us." She says as I glance at her looking at Arisu.

"I don't think we have any other choice. Now that Hatter's dead, the unity in the beach is wavering. I think this plan could work for us." Key word, "plan."

Kuina grabs the Walkie-Talkie looking at it, if only Arisu actually listened to what Usagi was talking about, I'm hungry.


I lean against the wall as I hear Niragi talking to everyone. "I'm here to tell you, we have a new leader. Hatter is no longer with us, and that leader has been chosen. The new leader is Aguni," he says as everyone murmurs, "Everybody, shut up! It seems as though Hatter failed in his game. He just couldn't crack it. A vote was taken, and the executive was unanimous, and Aguni was voted as our new Number 1. Now, let's hear from Aguni. You better all listen carefully." He says stepping back.

Aguni starts talking as I look away, I was only interested when Niragi started talking. "All right, the new leader is making a speech in the lobby. All members of the executive and the militant corps are here at the annex. We're not gonna get another chance like this. I'll let you guys know if there are any changes here. I'm counting on you, Arisu." I say. "Copy that." As I turn back to them all, I look over them as I see Niragi staring straight at me, smirking he blows me a kiss.

"I found it," He whispers, "All right, what's the code?" "8-0-2-2." "So you saw what's in the letter?" "No. But Aguni's expression pretty much said it all. When he opened it, his face kinda went all dark, like he was completely surprised and really perplexed. I'm pretty sure there was nothing written on it." "Nothing? Then how did you get the code?" I chuckle a bit. "From the wax seal. The Boss seals it with his ring. It has numbers on it. And that's the code. 8-0-2-2." "Sure as hell wouldn't want to be your enemy." He says, now let's see, what to do.

"It's not opening! Chishiya! Chishiya, you there?" He says. "Yeah, I gotta hand it to you. You real got balls." Niragi says as I walk in making me visible while flipping the Walkie-Talkie in my hand smirking. "Why would you..." "Let me go!" "Relax, calm down!" "Usagi!" He yells getting up as Niragi whacks him with his gun as he falls to the floor.

That had to hurt. "Arisu!" She shouts. "Stop crying for your boyfriend, you stupid bitch!" He yells kicking him. "Arisu!" She screams. Repeatedly the asshole with black hair kicks him. "Chishiya, I owe you," Aguni says turning around, "We wouldn't have caught them if it wasn't for you." "Let go...Arisu!" "Yeah, well...Just Wanna be of service. I say hearing Usagi scream.

Hearing Niragi cackle I see Aguni staring at the deer painting, that was easy. "Well, now. Looks like...Someone's gone night-night. All right, Bring him to the room." So attractive.


Niragi's POV:
I circle around him opening my mouth. "Well, rumor has it that your visa expires tomorrow. Without your sense of hearing or your sight, you're like a sitting duck. I can just imagine the terror you're feeling as you sit here and wait for the laser to burn through your skull!" I say cackling, "but for now...I'll just enjoy all this precious time I'm gonna have with your girlfriend~" I laugh as he groans, "Bye!" I yell laughing as I leave the room locking the door.

I order the other guys to just watch him. "What will you be doing? Don't you need someone to hold her down?" "Nah." I say as I head into the elevator pressing a button to a certain floor.

The elevator doors open as I head to the door, opening it I see him slam his drawer closed. "Can you at least knock?" "You hiding somethin from me?" "Not just you." He says as I close the door locking it, I head to his drawer as I open it seeing all the playing cards in it. "Wow, you sure are something aren't you my love?" I say pushing him down as I plop onto him. "Kuina's gonna be here in a few minutes.." "Come on, I'm bored." "Go play with that girl you fucked." "You're still mad?" I say slowly unzipping his jacket.

(Did you think you were free from the smut bc of the last chapter? NO😡)

"Obviously." "I'm sorry kitty." I whisper placing my lips on his kissing him as he slides his hands up my shirt. "I know you got hard when you kissed me." "Wasn't it obvious baby?" I whisper biting his neck. "Fuck just get inside of me already." He whimpers as I take off his clothes leaving him with just his jacket on as I lick his thighs getting closer to his dick.

"Does this feel good?" I say as I lick his inner thigh. "Fuck stop asking questions.." "you're such a slut." "Fuck me already.." he whimpers as I unbuckle my belt throwing my pants onto the floor as I admire his body. "You're so beautiful." I say touching his body as he opens his legs without asking me to. "Quit teasing." "You want me to go in?" "Obviously.." he says as I slam into him without a warning making him moan, loud.

Chishiya's POV:
He never gives me a goddanm sick of it.

"Are you mad?" He says thrusting into me as I just lay there. "Obviously." "Do I not feel good anymore my love?" "No." "Oh, that's a shame, you still feel good though, you know I'm fucking you all night long, right? Nothings gonna stop me from doing you." He says as a flash shines from the TV. "Shit?" He says pulling out of me as I moan. "Asshole." I say as he pulls up his pants looking at the TV.

The speaker turns on as a male voice speaks, I sit up putting my clothes back on listening.

We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank you for staying at Seaside Paradise, Tokyo. As a token of our appreciation, we will now commence a game with all 58 participants in the venue.

We both look at the screen as it says "The game will now commence" "The Beach is...a game arena?" Well looks like something DID stop him.

Difficulty, Ten of Hearts.


All participants must assemble in the lobby immediately. The rules of the game will then be explained. I repeat. All participants must assemble in the lobby immediately.

This seems like it's going to end not so well, but who knows, just a random guess.

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