Chapter fifteen.

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Chishiya's POV:
I finish changing opening the bathroom door as Last Boss and Kuina think. "Well?" "I don't like it." "I agree with him." Kuina says thinking about what else I could wear. "Last Boss." "Huh." "Why are you here?" "I think it's best if I bring Last Boss so I can show him what real fashion is." Oh.

She gets up looking for what else for me to wear as she throws and outfit at me. "Maybe just hand it over to me." I say walking into the bathroom closing and the door. "Just put it on, we need you to wear an AMAZING outfit." "Why?" I say taking off the outfit I was wearing.

"Don't you want that Akimi bitch out of your boyfriends life?" "Yeah.." "Then you NEED to look good for your boyfriend!" "I'm not like that." I say changing into the outfit opening the door. "I think that's the one." Last Boss says turning to her as a big smile forms on her face.

This is pretty comfy to be honest. "Shiya! You look great!" "I look emo." "Shut up, you literally look amazing, accept a compliment for once." "Okay okay, thank you." I say as she hugs me. "You're getting your boyfriend back." "He still is my boyfriend." "I know." She says smiling.

Niragi's POV:
I can't wait to see Chishiya. "How do I look?" She says walking out the bathroom door as I smile holding mini Chishiya. "You look great." I say as she smiles. "I hope I'll be able to have fun." She says sitting next to me.

"I'm sure you'll find someone, you're beautiful." I say placing mini Chishiya in my lap. "You think so?" "I know so, trust me." "But what if they think I'm weird?" "How so?" "Well, you know.." "You know I confessed to Chishiya in front of EVERYONE, right?" "So?" "Nobody cared, Hatter even started clapping." "Right, but what if they're not into that?" "Kimi, If they aren't into it, just leave them alone, but I'm sure that they'll love you." "Fine.."

He starts purring as I smile. "He's so cute, I love my mini Chishiya." I say picking him up. "Niragi." "Yes?" "I have something to tell you, but please don't be mad." "What?" "When I first met you, I had feelings." She says facing the wall not looking at me. "Oh-" "But you helped me, I'm not interested in you anymore." "Oh thank god." "I know." She says smiling.

"What made you stop?" "My sexuality." "Oh right." "Now come on, you need a good outfit for your boyfriend." "I'm not-" "You want him jealous right?" "Mm, yeah." "Then put this on." She says handing me over my outfit.

I head into the bathroom closing the door taking off my clothes changing into the other one as I open the door stepping out. "Fuck you look amazing! I'm sure he'll get jealous from all the girls drooling over you." I chuckle looking at myself in the mirror.

"What hairstyle do you think I should have?" "Half bun, you look great in that hairstyle." She says styling my hair for me.

Last Boss's POV:
I smoke a cigarette as Kuina turns away. "I forgot about how you were obsessed with smoking." "I'm not, I'm just trying to get it out of my life." She says crossing her arms as I offer Chishiya one as he accepts.

"Have you guys seen that bitch yet?" "Which one? I know a lot of them." Kuina says turning around. "The bitch that's obsessed with Niragi." "I know a lot of them too." Chishiya says smirking. "The one Niragi hasn't left yet." "Oh, her, no I haven't." She says as Chishiya nods. "She might be with my boyfriend." "Then don't see him, when the party starts you are gonna make him want you all to himself." She says sitting down in a chair. "We should play UNO." I say looking at both of them.

"Where the hell are we gonna get UNO cards from?" "There's a reason why I asked." I say pulling a box of UNO cards out of my pocket waving it around. "Ooh! I'm in!" "I guess I'll play too." He says as we turn around while Kuina flops onto the bed sitting infront of us as I turn to the side scooting closer to the middle of the bed facing the pillows.

I take out the cards handing them 7 putting the stack in the middle grabbing a card placing it down. "Red? Come on!" She says whining as she draws a card. "This is pretty easy." He says putting down a 2+ card as I put down another one. "That's not how the game works!?" "It's exactly how the game works." I say cackling.

1 hour later

"UNO." Chishiya says calmly as me and Kuina stop arguing. "How the hell did you get an UNO!?" She says looking up shocked. "While you two were arguing I was just playing the game, like you're supposed to." He says as I place down a blank card. "I'm gonna write on it." I say smirking at Kuina writing down. "Draw 20+ cards :)." "NO..NO PLEASE." "DO IT." I say with the most biggest smirk on my face.

"You know who you remind me of?" "Who?" "The grinch, but with no hair and shit." He says as they both start laughing that is so not funny. "I'm already planting my revenge on you Last Boss." She says drawing cards from the stack.

"I win." He says calmly placing down a 4+ card as me and Kuina scream. "THAT IS NOT FAIR!!" "I AGREE WITH HER!!" "Just accept it, I'm better then both of you, and that's final." He says stacking the cards placing them in the box. "How come you won each round?" She says frowning. "Like I said, I was just simply playing the game while you two were arguing." "I can't believe I never noticed." She says getting up.

"Look at the time, it's finally time to go claim your boyfriend!" She says smiling. "He still is my boyfriend." He says getting up as I get up. "Last Boss, I better see you with a girl, or boy, tomorrow." She says. "Yeah okay." I say as Chishiya opens the door as we head into the elevator.

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