Chapter twenty four.

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Niragi's POV:
I open my eyes as I look down seeing the girl from yesterday sleeping on me, by far she's the first one I'd call.


She kisses me smiling as I smile back. "I'll see you tonight?" I say as she nods. "I love you." "I love you too baby." I whisper giving her one last kiss as she leaves.

Chishiya's POV:
Kuina and I go outside quietly stepping down the steps as I see Arisu coughing from the garbage bin. "That's what this utopia really looks like. Another Beach rule "Death if you're a trairor."" I say.


"Arisu. You and Usagi seem to have gathered a whole bunch of information. Are you two planning something?" I wonder how I got her name.
"No, not really." "All right, I'll cut to the chase. How do you think you're going to live in a world full of despair?" I say, I'm so wise. "What?" I look at him squinting my eyes from the sun as his head tilts to Kuina's. "Look, all I want is some answers. Who's behind these sick games and...who killed my friends, Karube and Chota," Oh thatsss..nice,

"I thought I'd be able to survive and go back to the world the way it used to be. But if that's not possible, I want Usagi to return at the very least. She's the only reason I'm alive." How cute. "Very touching. This wish of yours...sure is nice," I say walking past him, "but not vey practical, I'll tell you." As Kuina scoffs. "You'd have to win every single game coming up and become the next Number 1. Impossible." She says as Arisu sighs. "Look it's not about you guys, all right?" He says as I smirk tilting my head. "We think you both have potential." "What?" "Yeah, That's Why we're here right now." I say looking away.

"What do you mean?" He says as I turn my body to him smirking. "What would you say if I told you, things could play out differently? Hatter's making sure he keeps control of the militant corps, but it's only a matter of time before they retaliate. And if that happens, this place will be run by a bunch of brainless idiots with guns," including the guy I like to fuck, "Then it's cut and run." "What are you planning?" Big idea coming up.

"I'm planning to steal all the playing cards," boom! Mind blowing, "bail off the beach." I say smirking one last time, I have a feeling something bad is going to happen.


Niragi's POV:
I walk out the room as I see the ugly man and cute girl from yesterday. "What the hell do you two want? No one asked you to come here." I say hearing a specific voice behind me. "Actually, I'm the one who asked him." I turn around as I see the man I fucked.

"Yeah? Who says you can summon people now? I say stepping closer to him. "There's something important he has to hear. Let's go in." He says talking to the guy behind me as I roll my eyes. "See you later." He says to the cute girl, who the fuck does Chishiya think he's talking to? Acting like I won't fuck the shit out of him.

I walk in as Ann try's to touch him. "Hey, do me a favor and keep your hands off him. You're obsessed with dissecting things." I say walking past Aguni as she studies him. "This is from a bullet. Did the game he was playing involve guns?" "Seems like it. Apparently, people around the game arena heard gunshots." "Holy shit! Looks like he should've bought the militant corps along with him." I say scoffing a laugh.

"So now what? What happens to the Beach?" "Nobody say a word about this, understood? We don't want people freaking out." Who's we? I'd like to see everyone panic. "I'll step in as leader since I'm number 2." Oh fuck no.

"Wait a second," I say stepping closer to him, "Shouldn't the strongest person be the leader? In case you didn't know, we're the ones who have been getting rid of the traitors, but we've been thrown into the shadows the whole time. This bullshit ends now, you got that?" "If number 1 dies, everyone moves up by a number. We all knew that." Asshole. "Yeah, well, this elitist dictator is dead. The power has shifted, hasn't it? Let's just be democratic and go with the majority," I scoff walking past him,

"Who's with me and thinks that Aguni should be our new leader?" I say standing in between Mira and Kuzuryu. "Are you all serious right now? Last Boss." I say moving my head as he pulls out his sword threatening Ann, not like I would actually kill her. "So I'll ask again. Who thinks Aguni should be leader?" I say as Ann slowly raises her hand.

I smile looking down. " not a democracy." Mira says as I tilt my head to her scoffing, I walk around her standing next to her. "But I think it is, isn't it?" I say clicking my gun pointing it close to her. "You can vote however you want, right?" I say sticking out my tongue licking my lips smirking as she raises her hand.

I look at Kuzuryu, waiting. "And how about the former Number 2 over there? What do you think?" I say as he raises his hand. Chuckling I turn around seeing the guy next to me raise his hand, I step closer to Chishiya pointing my gun at him cocking it. "And what about you?" I say as he tilts his head to me, I lower my gun stepping closer. "Chishiya, you're not looking down on us, are ya?" I say stepping closer. "Y'all morons in the corps?" My gun clatters as I get even closer to him.

"Those eyes of yours piss me off sometimes, you know that? You really think you're better than us, don't you?" I say, seeing him smirk, I smash my lips onto his not closing my eyes as I see him close his, I pull away pointing my gun straight to his chin. "I vote for Aguni to be the leader," He says looking down at my pants, "I'm pretty sure that's what you want to hear, don't you?" He says as I scoff pulling my gun away from him.

"Well, let this be a reminder of how you should act in the future. Hey, why are you looking so freaked out?" I say turning to Arisu, I step closer to him pointing my gun at him, "I thought I told you to give me an answer there?" I say as he tilts his head back making a stupid ass face, "Whose side are you on, anyway?" I say as Last Boss quickly jumps to him scaring him as I laugh. "Just about to shit your pants there, huh? Look at his face!" I say laughing more stepping away, "All right. Looks like we have a unanimous decision. So, we've got a new leader, right?" "Hatter would not allow this," Why is she always ruining my fun?

"If he were alive, he would not have allowed this." I chuckle stepping up to the body on the table. "But he's not alive, is he?" I say banging his head with my gun, "The dead really have no say as to what's going on. Watch." I say banging my gun on head repeatedly, "see?" I say hitting him one more time as I spit on him. "That's enough." Aguni says, as I walk past him. "From this day onwards, I will He the Beach's new king." He says as I turn around. "Yeah, let's hear it for the King, huh?" I yell clapping my hands hard, "Okay, boss. Time for the succession ceremony, right? Maybe you should open up the black envelope." I say smirking as I see Chishiya smile, what the hell is he thinking about.

The Black envelope. All the playing cards are collected by members of the Beach are kept in the safe in Hatter's royal suite. The code for opening the safe is sealed inside the black envelope. The envelope is kept in a secret location. And the only time it's opened is when there's a new Number 1. The new Number 1 opens the envelope in front of the executives, but only he sees the code to get he safe. Then, he places the paper with the code written on it into a new envelope and seals it again. 
It then must be signed by all the executives.

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